Causes of Tooth Loss

Causes of Tooth LossTooth loss can mean something different to everyone. For those who still retain all of their teeth, it may seem like an obscure concept. For those who’ve lost a single tooth, it may seem important to replace them, but not so much an emergency.

Yet, for those who have lost a significant amount of teeth, the loss can prove devastating to their oral health, as well as their smile’s appearance and self-confidence. Fortunately, you have many options for replacing lost teeth, but your best bet at protecting your smile lies in understanding and possibly preventing the common causes of tooth loss. (more…)

Can Bruxism Damage Your Teeth?

shutterstock_149579294Teeth grinding or clenching – medically referred to as bruxism – can be damaging to your teeth in severe cases. Although many children grind their teeth at one point or another, they typically grow out of it. But, when adults begin grinding their teeth, it’s likely due to an outside factor such as; stress, anxiety, malocclusion (misaligned bite), or even another sleep disorder (like sleep apnea). Sometimes, the habit will dissipate on its own, especially if it’s caused by an emotional factor that has been alleviated. But, since it often occurs throughout the sleep cycle, many patients are unaware of its happening – causing bruxism to become a chronic habit. (more…)

Top 3 Ways To Avoid Gum Disease

shutterstock_247197694Gum disease, like other medical conditions, has many stages of severity. In the beginning, it’s known as gingivitis and typically presents with inflamed or bleeding gum tissue. However, once it progresses, your symptoms will likely become more severe with time. The good news is that the infection is entirely preventable! And, even if you’re unable to prevent gum disease altogether, it’s often reversible when caught in its earliest stages. So, how do you avoid gum disease? Preventive dentistry is the best way to keep this infection at bay. But – what exactly is preventive dentistry? (more…)

Do You Need A Dental Crown?

shutterstock_400223833Dental crowns are often used to restore teeth – whether by themselves, or in conjunction with another restoration method. These ‘caps’ (as they were commonly called in the past) fit snugly over your damaged tooth to create a seamless and natural-looking smile, while also protecting your tooth. There are many reasons you may need a dental crown; following a root canal, a broken or cracked tooth, after placing a dental implant, etc. If your dentist has recommended a dental crown to restore your tooth, you may have a lot of questions – but don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place! (more…)

Is TMJ Disorder Causing You Trouble?

is tmj disorder causing you troubleYou know you should see your dentist if your tooth gives you problems, or if you want to improve your smile, but did you know that your dentist may also be able to help treat soreness and pain in your jaw and face?

Your temporomandibular joints, or TMJs, are the large joints in front of each ear that connect your lower jaw (mandible) to your skull. They help your jaw move in the many directions necessary to perform its duties, but undue pressure and a variety of dental issues can damage these joints and the muscles around them, causing TMJ disorder. To help you determine if your jaw or facial discomfort might be TMJ disorder, we offer a short quiz about your symptoms and condition. (more…)

Quiz: When Should You Visit Your Emergency Dentist?

shutterstock_334306280A toothache is undoubtedly painful, but is it always a reason to rush to your emergency dentist? Probably not – but it can certainly be difficult to differentiate between a dental emergency and a non-emergent dental concern. If left untreated, a dental emergency could progress and cause many other health complications, so they should be dealt with immediately. On the other hand, however, something non-emergent can absolutely wait until regular business hours. So, do you think you would recognize a dental emergency if it happened to you? Take our quiz and find out! (more…)

Are Root Canals Necessary?

shutterstock_92525713You may have heard of root canal treatments before, and likely not in a good way. Unfortunately, root canals are the most feared dental procedure – but they shouldn’t be! Contrary to popular belief, your tooth will probably hurt more before the treatment than during (or after). But, are root canals necessary? If your tooth has suffered severe damage where the pulp, or nerve, becomes inflamed and infected – you’ll likely need root canal therapy to be able to keep its natural structure. Don’t wait to contact your dentist until your symptoms become increasingly worse, take action as soon as you notice sensitivity or pain! (more…)

Will You Need A Filling?

shutterstock_119875249When it comes to toothaches, they could mean a number of different things. It could be as simple as increased sinus pressure, but it could also be as complicated as an infected tooth. How do you know if you’ll need a filling or not? Well, your dentist is the only one who can really make that decision – but, if you’re experiencing the common symptoms of a cavity or have noticeable tooth decay, you’ll likely need a dental filling. But don’t let that scare you away from the dentist – they’ll make sure you’re comfortable and you don’t want that infection getting any worse! (more…)

Is It Time For Your Child To See The Dentist?

shutterstock_188519291Scheduling your own dentist appointments is fairly easy, but many parents aren’t sure when it’s time for their child to see the dentist. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), your child should see their dentist around age 1 or within 6 months of their first tooth erupting. Don’t panic if you have a toddler who hasn’t been to the dentist yet – just give your dentist a call to schedule their appointment! Don’t worry about how your child will handle the appointment, the first appointment is typically easy (with little cleaning involved). Your dentist will make sure your child is as comfortable as possible! (more…)

Has Your Gingival Tissue Become An Issue?

smileAre you unhappy with your smile? Is it because your teeth look too small? Is there more pink than white? Is your gingival tissue overtaking your smile? Some people have what is referred to as a “gummy” smile. That means they have excess gingival tissue (gum tissue). A gummy smile can make your teeth look too short and stubby, and can make you feel self-conscious about smiling. Although a gummy smile can be a matter of individual perception, the rule-of-thumb is that if your showing more than four millimeters, or an eighth of an inch, of gum tissue, then your gingival tissue has become an issue.
