What Is Bonding?

shutterstock_311691548Tooth bonding is typically recommended for restoring a tooth that has small imperfections – whether it be decay, chips, shape, discoloration, etc. While there are other restoration options for these instances – like dental crowns, veneers, or even fillings – dental bonding is a cost-effective and minimally invasive approach to repairing minor damages. Using composite-resin, a tooth-colored material (also used for fillings), your dentist can create a seamless smile. However, dental bonding may not be for everyone – if you’re interested in restoring your smile, it’s always best to consult with your dentist. Every restoration option has their advantages and disadvantages, it all depends on your individual situation. (more…)

Restoring Your Teeth With Dental Implants

shutterstock_285565211If you’re missing a tooth or facing an extraction, you may be thinking about restoring your teeth with dental implants – they have become an increasingly popular choice for tooth restoration (for good reason, too). There are several benefits to replacing your lost teeth with an implant (over other options); from strength and function to cosmetic appeal and longevity. However, restoring your smile isn’t always as easy as choosing an option and undergoing the procedure. For example, in this case, for dental implants to be successful, your dentist has to consider several different factors about your oral health and commitment, medical (and family) history, and so on. (more…)

What's Causing Your Jaw Pain?

shutterstock_112469801If you’ve ever woken up with a sudden onset of pain in your jaw, you’re probably wondering where it came from. Unless you experienced a facial injury the night before, it’s likely temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. TMD is caused from an issue with your jaw joint (the temporomandibular joint), which connects the jawbone to the skull. Unfortunately, there are several factors that contribute to the condition, often making it difficult to diagnose. If you feel pain in your ears or jaw muscles, or hear a popping sound when you open or close your mouth – you’re presenting with common symptoms of TMD. Some patients struggle to even open their mouths sometimes – you’ll want to visit your dentist before it gets any worse. (more…)

How Often Do You Floss?

shutterstock_337789961While you may brush your teeth twice each day – are you really flossing as often as you’re supposed to? The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing your teeth at least one time every day. For some reason, people often struggle to floss this regularly, although it’s a vital part of your oral hygiene. Without flossing, bacteria can build up between your teeth – where it has direct access to your gum tissue. Maintaining your tooth brushing is absolutely essential, but it won’t be able to reach all of the bacteria around your mouth – especially in those hard-to-reach places! (more…)

Stop Snoring: Seek Sleep Apnea Treament

shutterstock_130173548Are you sick of hearing your partner complain about how loud you snore? You may have tried every nose strip you could find at your local pharmacy, but somehow – you’re still keeping the whole house awake! How is this possible? Your snoring could be stemming from something other than congestion. In fact, if it’s persistently loud, it’s likely a sleep disorder known as, sleep apnea. Since sleep apnea symptoms are generally broad and you experience majority of them while unconscious, the disorder can be extremely difficult to diagnose. A sleep study is the best way to reach a diagnosis, but afterwards, exploring your treatment options may be more complex. (more…)

How Dental Crowns Can Restore Your Teeth

shutterstock_353764442There are many factors that can damage your teeth – whether it be infections, injuries, or even habits such as grinding or clenching your teeth. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to perform normal daily tasks (such as chewing and speaking) when your teeth are damaged.  Depending on the condition of your tooth, your dentist may recommend placing a dental crown to help restore its function and cosmetic appeal. Although they can’t help to completely replace your tooth by themselves, crowns are often used in conjunction with dental implants for a full restoration. (more…)

Should You Get An Electric Toothbrush?

shutterstock_140723716In order to avoid dental infections like tooth decay and gum disease, you must practice preventive dentistry; excellent oral hygiene, visiting your dentist, and maintaining a healthy diet. Your oral hygiene depends on how (and how often) you brush and floss your teeth at home every day. While you may be used to using a manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush may be more effective in some cases – especially if you’re prone to bacteria or have suffered from gum disease before. However, not every electric toothbrush is the same, like most manual toothbrushes. One you buy from the grocery store for example, is going to be very different from one you get from your dentist. (more…)

The Importance Of Toddler Toothbrushing

shutterstock_343879538Your oral health can decline well before you even know how to take care of your teeth. It’s up to us as parents to protect our child’s oral health, just as our parents did for us. Getting your toddler to brush their teeth – even when doing it for them – can sometimes seem nearly impossible. Just remember, they only rely on you temporarily to protect their teeth, so don’t give up! Preventing tooth decay (and cavities) begins before your baby’s teeth even poke through their gums. Fortunately, it often becomes easier as they grow, especially when they’re already accustomed to these preventive measures. (more…)

Fight The Fatigue: Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

shutterstock_325340132You can probably guess why sleep disorders often go undiagnosed – or are misdiagnosed, in many cases. Unless you sleep next to someone, you may be completely unaware of the symptoms occurring throughout your sleep cycle. Unfortunately, the symptoms you are aware of during the day are generally broad and can point to other conditions (like depression). But, if sleep apnea is left untreated for an extended period of time it can lead to further health complications including issues with your heart and liver or even increasing your risk for diabetes. Begin fighting your fatigue by consulting with your dentist – if they suspect you’re suffering from a sleep disorder, a sleep study is likely in your future. (more…)

Do You Want To Quit Grinding Your Teeth?

shutterstock_309703502While grinding or clenching your teeth (bruxism) can become a habit during the day, in most cases it occurs when you’re asleep. For this reason, those who suffer from the condition are typically unaware of its happening. If you sleep with someone, they may hear you grinding throughout the night – but, more often, bruxism causes painful, dull headaches in the morning accompanied by a sore jaw. In severe cases, you may notice damage to your teeth such as; worn enamel, chips, breaks, or even loss altogether. To protect your natural teeth from these dangers, let’s learn how to quit grinding your teeth. (more…)