Don’t Stress About Smile Problems!

Do you have problems with your smile health? Have you been spending a fairly considerable amount of time worrying about these issues? What is the problem? What is it that’s causing you such concern? We’d like to remind you that by visiting our practice, you can set your concerns aside and let us provide you with the answers, the treatment suggestions you need, and more. Also, consider some additional details that may help.


Quiz: Halloween And Your Kids

Are you ready to deal with the upcoming inundation of piles and piles of candy that are headed our way? Perhaps as far as you are concerned for yourself, it’s a cinch! However, when it comes to figuring out how to feel like a parent that’s equal parts responsible and fun, would you say that you’re feeling just a wee bit conflicted at the moment about your child’s oral health? If you think you’re the only one, guess again! We hear similar concerns from parents every single year around this time. So, without further ado, let’s get you geared up for the end of the month with a helpful quiz.


FAQs: I’m A Noisy Eater

What would you say if we were to ask you about your eating habits? Would the first thing out of your mouth be, “Help! I’m a noisy eater!” followed by the hope that we can offer some guidance? If so, we encourage you to spend a moment with our FAQs (and the answers). You may find the solution you’ve been hoping for. Of course, setting up a dental health checkup is also a very wise decision.


Is Wintertime Busy Time? Plan Ahead!

We are just entering October, which means many exciting moments rest just ahead of us! There’s Halloween at the end of the month, Thanksgiving to look forward to, then a myriad of holidays in December. If you have kids, a lot of family, an active social life, etc., then wintertime is a very busy time for you. As a result, it may be very easy to get sidetracked by the hustle and bustle, while you forget all about your smile care! Good news: We can help you plan ahead for dental care, so this doesn’t happen.


Preventive Tips For Kid Care

We know that getting through the day with kids of any age means lots and lots of details, a ton of energy on your part, and a lot of hope that you’re getting everything done well. When it comes to the oral health of your kids, it can be easy to become uncertain regarding children’s treatments, things you should or should not be doing, and how to keep up with dental hygiene. Fortunately, we have some easy-to-adhere-to tips that will get you headed in the right direction.


Planning On Veneers? Not So Fast!

Yes! Of course. If you are a wonderful candidate for porcelain veneers and they will guide you toward the finished product of your dreams, then we will encourage you to move ahead with this treatment when you’re ready. However, if it turns out that while you love the potential benefits of veneers, you can achieve your goals through other means, we might urge you to take a moment, step back, look through your options, and then make a final decision. Learn more about why this could be the case.


Dental Care: Why Do I Have To…?

When patients take the time to ask us questions during dental checkups, they often begin with, “Why do I have to…” which we completely understand. When you’re under the impression that you must do particular things to keep your oral health safe, you like to know you’re not wasting your time and you like to know how the details benefit you. We are always happy to explain! Let’s get the party started with some very common inquiries we receive.


Quiz: How Well Do You Know Dental Crowns Benefits?

You might know that a dental crown is a beneficial option for your tooth when something goes wrong. You may also know that this is generally the suggestion you will receive when a filling is just not going to cut it (such as when you’re dealing with serious tooth decay). However, that does not necessarily suggest you are knowledgeable regarding the many benefits you can expect. Interested in learning more? A quiz is an easy, informational way to get started.
