Top Advantages Of Dental Implants

shutterstock_300143651No matter how you’ve lost your tooth, whether it be to gum disease, tooth decay, injury, etc. – it can be a traumatic experience. Dental implants, one of the leading restorative options, are becoming increasingly popular among patients – and for good reason, too, as they have quite an extensive list of advantages! Unlike other restorative options, these “new teeth” are able to connect with your jaw bone. Not only does this make for an extremely stable and nearly permanent tooth, but it also prevents your jaw bone from deteriorating over time by giving it the proper stimulation it needs. That’s just the beginning of their benefits, too! (more…)

A Healthy Smile Could Mean a Healthier Heart!

healthy smile, healthier heartSince February is American Heart Month, we’d like to take a moment to discuss an aspect of your cardiovascular health that you may not be aware of—its relationship to the state of your oral health. Although you may not naturally think that they are connected, the mechanisms that result in gum disease are similar to those of heart disease, and numerous studies suggest that the two chronic illnesses may be connected. To highlight this relationship and what it may mean for your oral and physical wellbeing, we explain what you should know about the connection between gum disease and heart disease. (more…)

5 Reasons Your Tooth May Be Extracted

shutterstock_186377261Often times, when patients think of tooth extraction the first thing that comes to mind is wisdom teeth – or third molars. Unfortunately, your wisdom teeth aren’t the only teeth that may need to be removed. However, extraction is typically only recommended when your dentist believes they cannot save your tooth (especially in cases of periodontitis and decay). If you’ve been suffering from unusual tooth pain or bleeding gums, visiting your dentist as soon as you can will help to keep your mouth healthy and decrease your chance for extraction. If left untreated, it could turn into one of the five reasons your tooth may be extracted.


3 FAQ's About Sleep Apnea

shutterstock_184759394Is your partner complaining about your loud snoring every night? Do you find yourself constantly waking up and persistently tired throughout the day? If so, these may be symptoms pointing to a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. While it can be difficult to diagnose because majority of the symptoms occur while you’re asleep, your dentist may recommend a sleep study to get a proper diagnosis. A sleep study will monitor the oxygen levels in your body throughout your sleep cycle to determine whether or not sleep apnea is causing your lack of rest. (more…)

Guide To Cavity Prevention For Kids

shutterstock_155666270As parents, you can’t always control how your child chooses to maintain their oral health. Ultimately, it’s up to them. However, there are several ways you can help them to prevent cavities from damaging their little pearly whites! One of the best ways to enforce excellent dental hygiene is by practicing it yourself. Modeling proper oral hygiene can help them to want to brush their teeth when they’re younger, leading to better habits when they become older. That’s not all – get ready for a short version of a guide to cavity prevention for kids! (more…)

3 Advantages Of Dental Crowns

shutterstock_162224657Dental crowns are used in many different situations; cosmetic and restorative. In the past, these tooth-like “caps” were made out of metals like gold and silver. With the advancement of dentistry over the past few decades, now dentists have begun to use materials like composite resin and porcelain – which are much more aesthetically appealing. If you’ve ever had a broken, cracked, or weak tooth, you’re probably familiar with dental crowns. Did you know they have several advantages? We’ll cover just the top 3 – but the list could go on much longer! (more…)

How Do You Know You Have Gum Disease?

shutterstock_75515080Periodontitis, or gum disease, is an infection caused by plaque or tartar (bacteria) that is left untreated on your teeth. It can damage your gum tissue, bone density, and even cause you to lose teeth in severe cases. How do you know you have gum disease? Periodontitis begins with gingivitis – which usually presents with inflamed, tender, or bleeding gum tissue. Most patients experience this bleeding and sensitivity when they’re brushing their teeth. Once the infection has progressed, you may notice a receding gum line or pockets forming around your teeth. (more…)

How Do You Properly Floss Your Teeth?

shutterstock_133087628Often times, patients overlook flossing their teeth. However, it’s critical that you floss at least once per day – unless you really want to floss more, then go right ahead! Properly flossing will help to ensure that all of the food particles and bacteria are removed from between your teeth. How do you properly floss your teeth? We’ve got a step-by-step guide for you to follow next time you find yourself reaching for the floss. Just like the guidelines for brushing your teeth are important, flossing is no different. (more…)

How Can You Qualify For Dental Implants?

shutterstock_120675241If you’ve recently lost teeth, you may be looking at your different restoration options for getting your smile back. Dental implants are a great option functionally and cosmetically as they look very similar to your natural teeth. However, not just anyone is able to get these “new teeth.” How can you qualify for dental implants? Your dentist will need to examine your mouth to make sure your gum tissue is healthy enough and you have a good amount of bone density. Without these things, your implants may fall out of your mouth. (more…)