Have you made the decision that your darkened or yellowed smile has got to go – and that it’s time to replace it with a vivid, sparkling grin? If so, you are probably already aware that you can achieve beautiful results with teeth whitening. However, the type of whitening you choose is actually a very important factor in your smile-improving journey. Choosing professional treatment with us? It’s an effective plan. Relying on OTC (over-the-counter) whitening? Not so great. Allow us to explain why with a Q&A session.
Cutting Sugar Out Of Your Diet
Cutting sugar out of your diet is not only good for your dental health, it is good for your overall health. Too much sugar not only contributes to tooth decay and periodontal disease, it also contributes to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. Although you can make the distinction between natural sugars and added sugar, most every food besides fruits have sugar added, meaning most people’s diets are high in sugar. For women, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends they get no more than 24 grams of added sugar per day which is equal to about six teaspoons, or 100 calories, just less than the amount of sugar in one can of soda. However, studies show that the average American woman eats about three times that amount, daily.
How Important Is Your Tooth Root?
Remember the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?” Well, that seems the way it is for our tooth roots, wouldn’t you say? How many of us actually think about the roots of our teeth? Most people focus on the crowns of their teeth. The part of the tooth structure that people see. The part that they floss and brush, and try to keep white and shiny. The crowns of your teeth are very important because you need them to chew your food, but have you ever thought about the importance of your roots?
What To Expect From A Dental Implant
Missing tooth got you down? Perhaps you are scheduled for a planned extraction, to remove an unhealthy or damaged tooth. Dental implants can make a positive transformation in your smile. You don’t have to know a lot about dental implants to be able to benefit from them. You care for an implants using the same brushing and flossing techniques for your natural teeth. Two more things to expect from an implant: natural looks and long life (with proper care.) (more…)
Ready For Veneers? Hint: Care Is Simple
Do you feel like you’re ready to take the plunge and say, “yes!” to choosing porcelain veneers? If so, you will soon find yourself making an exciting journey toward a truly remarkable smile transformation. So, why aren’t you jumping at the opportunity to make this change? If you are like many of our patients, you are worried that even though your smile will look lovely, perhaps caring for it will become a huge challenge. Good news – it won’t. Veneers require simple care. Allow us to enlighten you with some details.
How Your Dentist Takes Care of Your Smile
Professional dental care is an essential component to good oral health; but for better or worse, you exert the greatest influence on your smile’s health. Through proper hygiene education and a wealth of professional treatment options, your dentist is vital to helping you maintain your good oral health, whether that involves preventing issues or restoring your teeth, gums, or more. Today, we explain some of the more important tenets of maintaining your smile, and why visiting your dentist should be second nature. (more…)
Preventing Tooth Loss at Its Source
As the most severe consequence of some dental health issues, tooth loss can have a significant negative impact on your oral health. The point of replacing lost teeth, including their roots, is to help preserve your oral health after suffering tooth loss; however, this is better achieved by preventing tooth loss from occurring in the first place. (more…)
Should You Love Your Dental Hygiene Products?
When it comes to dental hygiene products, you may think that it’s important that you have them and use them, but perhaps you have never given much thought to whether it’s important that you love them. True, you can get by in life by using oral health items that you aren’t very interested in but, unfortunately, this can end up backfiring in a way you never considered. To answer the question, it would be very nice if you love the products you use to keep your smile clean every single day – and we would like to tell you why.
Q&A: Your Brushing Technique
Do you have questions about whether your brushing habits are promoting good oral health? Many patients are fairly certain that they’ve got the basics down (twice daily brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste) but there are some not-so-well-known details that cause uncertainty. Our team is happy to offer up the answers and details you need (and will be happy to offer a demonstration at your next appointment).
Chewing Gum: Good, Bad, Or Both?
When you visit our practice, you may feel like it’s important to focus on asking clinical-based questions, such as those about particular procedures, instruments, or disorders. As a result, a question as simple as, “Is chewing gum safe for my oral health?” is something you might sweep under the rug. However, that means you go home without the answer you were hoping for. First, remember that we want you to be open with us – ask your questions, even if they seem tiny. The more you know, the more effectively you can protect your smile. For now, let’s answer that chewing gum question.