As you navigate what can feel like the big, complex world of dental hygiene, you may notice that the requirements are actually not all that overwhelming. In fact, taking care of your smile, so your smile continues to look good, feel good, and avoid serious problems, takes just minutes of your day. To help you feel confident about this epiphany (rather than leave you worrying you must be overlooking something), we encourage you to take our quiz for reassurance.
Q&A: Are Sleep Apnea And Snoring Identical?
The fast answer to the common question, “Are sleep apnea and snoring identical?” is simply, “No.” However, there are some helpful details to go along with this statement. Why? Well, the two sleep disorders are both related and often occur together (though not always). Take in some new information with a helpful Q&A session for a deeper understanding of these sleep disruptors.
Hate Flossing? We Can Help!
Do you find that no matter what you do, you do not enjoy flossing? Is this something that causes you a considerable amount of worry because you want to care for your smile the best that you can? However, this dental hygiene obstacle seems to keep getting in the way. Fortunately, you are not stuck with this dilemma forever. We have some tried-and-true suggestions that will help you out of this rut, so you can enjoy cleaning between your teeth and protecting your oral health with ease.
3 Ways You’re Stopping Your Oral Health Progress
You might not recognize it just yet but you might be doing some things that are keeping you from making the most of your oral health progress. For instance, you might be doing some things correctly like brushing your teeth. However, you might be making some other counterproductive choices throughout the day that destroy the potential of those efforts. Allow us to offer up a few ways you might be unintentionally sabotaging your intentions, so you can make sure you’re doing your best to protect your grin.
How Often You Should…?
One line of questioning that often comes up during visits with our patients has to do with how often certain aspects of dental care should happen. This is the type of stuff that patients often feel they should magically know. However, if a dentist has never spelled it out for you or if you haven’t received care in a while, it might be something you are simply unfamiliar with. To make sure you have the basics down, we offer answers to the most common questions we receive about frequency of oral health care.
Understand Gum Disease: 3 Simple Details
Do you understand that gum disease can be extremely damaging to your smile? So much so that when left untreated, it can lead to some seriously devastating consequences that require immense care before your smile is restored? Perhaps you’re fully informed regarding the long-term side effects but as for the disease itself, you don’t really understand what’s going on. We are happy to clarify by offering three simple details.
Your Smile Needs TLC
You might be surprised that your extremely hard, resilient teeth are not in need of the extremely tough love you might think they need to keep them clean and healthy. Instead, consistent TLC (tender loving care, that is) happens to be just what the dentist ordered! While this is an easy way to sum up what you should consider for your dental hygiene, you might need some more specifics to fully understand what we mean. Take some recommendations to heart, so you’re sure you’re cleaning your smile and protecting it.
Cavities: 3 Surprising Details
We commonly discover that patients think they know just about all there is to know about tooth decay. However, these same patients are often shocked by some simple yet brand new discoveries when we fill them in on the details surrounding cavity development. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to become more educated regarding this very common hygiene-related illness that you can generally avoid with prevention. Get your expert knowledge up to snuff with a few surprising details!
There’s More Than One Way To Whiten
When you decide you are ready for your teeth whitening journey, you will be pleased to discover that there’s not just one option on the horizon. In fact, depending on the particular needs that your smile has, you can rely on three options to bring your grin from drab to quite fabulous. We invite you to schedule time to sit down and speak with us one-on-one, so we have the chance to take a look at your teeth, while suggesting the best choice for your improvement. For now, become a little more familiar with the possible treatments we may recommend.
3 Perks Of Our Practice
When you find yourself looking for a dental practice you can think of as your safe place because it offers everything you need (including relaxing, compassionate care), the search can feel endless. Fortunately, whether you’re a new or existing patient, you may be surprised by the perks we offer (which can help you decide to call our practice your own). Consider the options that ensure your experience with us is always a good one.