Dental Implants: Keep Them For Life

You may have heard at one time or another that dental implants can last a lifetime. While this might sound like an exaggeration, it is actually something that can prove to be true if you know what to do to keep them safe and sound. The good news is that maintaining implants that stay in excellent condition and remain in place for many years to come is not something that will require too much effort. Assuming you already take good care of your oral health, it will be a breeze! Allow us to share the essential guidelines for successful care.


A Few Facts About White Smiles

There’s some stuff that you might not know about white smiles. You may assume, for instance, that when you see a vibrant white grin, it must be healthy. However, do you know whether this is true? You may think that in order to attain the most beautiful smile, you’ll need to get your teeth white as winter snow. However, this isn’t exactly on target. To help you gain a more factual understanding of what makes up a vibrant smile, consider a few facts.


Dental Hygiene: 3 Details You Need To Keep In Mind

Do you know how to brush and floss correctly? Are you having a pretty good experience with your daily dental hygiene or do you grumble every time you approach the sink to get started? Do you ever find yourself feeling conflicted when a question about home dental care pops into your mind? To help you out with having the best hygiene experience possible, we encourage you to keep a few important things in mind.


Dental Extraction Q&A: What Happens Next?

Have you made peace with the fact that you need a dental extraction for your smile but you still have some unresolved feelings about what’s going to happen after the tooth removal is complete? If you have not yet asked your questions about aftercare and what will happen once the site is healed, we are pleased to offer answers to common questions. For any inquiries that remain, please get in touch with us ASAP!


Gum Irritation: Some Things To Avoid

When you experience gum irritation, it can become far more frustrating than you might think. This is for a long list of reasons, the foremost of which include the following: You may have no idea why your gums seem irritated and the irritation may worsen and make speaking and eating uncomfortable. First things first, if we have not recently seen you for a visit (and sent you home with assurance that your gums are healthy), then come right in! However, if you know you’re not suffering from gum disease, we encourage you to consider a few things to avoid that are well-known for aggravating your gums.


Waggin' Wagon Pet Foster Meet & Greet

Waggin' Wagon Pet Foster Meet & GreetThe City of Grand Prairie has several programs dedicated to finding pets homes, vaccinating pets at a low cost, and providing spay and neutering services. Most of these programs are coordinated by Prairie Paws Adoption Center. They have even partnered with the national program, Pets for Patriots, designed to partner American veterans with pets that need homes. They also have a foster program for pets in an effort to keep as many animals in good homes and out of the shelter. They have a mobile adoption trailer called the Waggin’ Wagon that travels to different locations and cities to make adoption all the more convenient for people and families. This weekend there is a Waggin’ Wagon Meet & Greet.  (more…)

There Is A Way To Stop Snoring

There Is A Way To Stop SnoringSimple snoring can sometimes be stopped by changing your sleeping position or treating your sinuses. However, snoring can be a symptom of a common but serious sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep apnea happens when the soft tissues of your mouth and throat soften and collapse into your airway. This causes an obstruction to your breathing. Your breathing can be obstructed multiple times in one night. It is usually not enough to wake you up, but it is enough to prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Your snoring can also impact your partner’s sleep. The stress that sleep apnea puts your body through can increase your risks for health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.  (more…)

3 Reasons To Just Give Us A Call

You might feel like you need a very specific reason to call us to schedule a visit. For instance, maybe you think you need to be able to identify a cavity in your mouth before it’s okay to contact us. Perhaps you think that you should just wait for your regularly scheduled visit. Before you make the mistake of thinking that we are not happy to take your call, recognize that the opposite is true: We strongly encourage you to pick up the phone if you need or want something for your smile or oal health. Ready for a few examples? We’ve got them!


Oral Health: When Healthy Foods Turn Bad

Have you ever had that moment when you’re about to eat a mouthful of something that you think is exceptionally healthy and someone makes one of those comments? Something along the lines of, “you’re eating that?” Frustratingly enough, it’s more common than you might think to reach for foods you think are beneficial for your oral health only to find out they are not what you thought. Let’s run through some examples, so you get a feel for what can make seemingly healthy foods not so great for your smile.
