Do you stare at your smile in the mirror occasionally, noticing that when you look closely, your incisors have little bumps on them? If so, you may notice that there are three little protrusions that can make your teeth look toothed, if you will! While you’re probably not experiencing any problems with your oral health as a result, it’s entirely possible that you want to know why these bumps are there and you might wish they weren’t. No problem. We can answer your questions!
Oral Sedation: Frequent Questions (And Answers)
When you discover that dental care truly can become more relaxing thanks to dental sedation, it’s a moment that can certainly put a smile on your face. However, when you find that you have a lot of options, you may feel both energized and a little bit uncertain about exactly how to proceed. Which one is the right one for you? What if you select one but should have chosen the other? Fortunately, no matter what you decide, you will have a truly tranquil experience. As for learning more about what we offer, if you’re feeling curious about oral sedation, we are happy to get you started with our FAQs session.
3 Ways To Get Your Calcium
If you don’t think you’re getting as much calcium as you need for your dental health, then you probably aren’t completely certain about your available sources. While a supplement store is certainly going to help, it’s not the only option on the list! Take a moment to learn more about how to get as much of this mineral as your body requires (which is somewhere around 1,000 mg daily but you should check in with your physician for specifics).
DIY Dental Care: Yes Or No?
There’s probably part of you that sees a DIY dental care idea online and thinks that it seems amazing and you should just throw caution to the wind and give it a try. However, there’s probably a different part of you that thinks, “This is probably a bit risky, maybe I should visit my dentist instead.” We encourage you to listen to that more responsible voice that reminds you professional care is the best decision. Learn more!
Gag Reflex Quiz
Are you someone who feels that your gag reflex is getting in the way of your dental care? As a result, do you worry there’s nothing you can do about it, you feel a bit alone, and you aren’t sure how to move forward? Of course, we encourage you to talk with us about this issue as soon as possible! For now, take heart in the help we offer through a brief quiz.
3 Things To Keep In Your Desk Drawer
Do you work in an office away from your home? If so, you might wonder if there’s something you should be doing throughout the day to protect your oral health. Or, you may be struggling because you really want a fresher, cleaner smile but you don’t know how to make this easier than heading to the bathroom for a full-on brushing and flossing session! Don’t worry. We offer a few things to keep in your desk drawer for when your usual dental hygiene isn’t an option.
Zumba At The Library
Have you been thinking about trying Zumba lately but you’re not sure where to begin? Perhaps you’ve done it before, you loved it, but you aren’t really sure about options for joining others for this fun, calorie-burning workout. Look no further! Zumba At The Library is just what you’ve been hoping to find.
Tongue Piercing: A Helpful Quiz
Has a tongue piercing been something you’ve been considering for a while now? Perhaps inspiration suddenly struck and you thought to yourself that this is something you feel is a good choice for you at the moment. Whatever the reason behind it, we encourage you to take some time to think things over. Not sure if you may be overlooking some reasons to steer clear of this type of body art? Learn more with our quick yet helpful quiz.
Gingivitis: Why It Doesn’t Have To Happen
You might think that gingivitis is an oral health issue that’s probably going to end up affecting you at some point in your life. The truth is, there’s no need for this to happen! When you understand that avoiding this gum problem is generally as simple as keeping your smile as clean as you can, the clarity sets in. True, you’ll need to remain consistent and dedicated to your smile care. However, the requirements are so simple and convenient to accomplish that that consistency and dedication is something you can keep up with great ease!
Sore Throats, Bad Breath, And Answers
Does your throat hurt? Do you also happen to be dealing with bad breath? While these may seem like isolated incidents, you may be a bit surprised to learn they may be linked. Closely linked, that is! Gather up some interesting information and you may quickly find yourself back on the road toward comfort and you won’t have to cover your mouth while speaking with others anymore. Win-win!