There are some things you probably already know your dental hygiene should be, such as consistent, thorough, and more. However, sometimes you need just a bit of a tweak to your perspective in order to gain a fuller scope of what needs to be happening for your oral health protection. Take our Grand Prairie, TX practice’s information to heart when it comes to cleaning your smile in regard to things your hygiene shouldn’t be! It just might give you the missing info you need in order to feel certain you’re doing a stand out job.
Herbs For Shady Places: Summer Garden Gathering
Do you have a dark, shaded area in your garden? Are you curious if there’s something that will grow there (such as an herb that you can bring into your home as an addition to your garden-to-table meals)? If you need a little help with the darker corners of your outdoor space, the upcoming Herbs For Shady Places: Summer Garden Gathering in Grand Prairie, TX might be just what you need!
3 Times You’ll Be So Happy You Filled Your Cavity
There are times you find out that you have a cavity and, though our Grand Prairie, TX practice always tells you that your best bet is to fill it as soon as possible, you may feel like waiting. You might have lots and lots of reasons for this, however, the reason it’s smart to get a move on is the fact that the decay and side effects will only progress and cause you additional problems the longer you wait. To help you get a more detailed, realistic understanding regarding why you’ll want to schedule your dental filling ASAP, we offer up a few times you’ll be so happy you did! Think you’re ready for restorative care right now? Give us a call to schedule your filling!
Bad Breath: Why It’s No Joking Matter!
Yes, you can certainly find yourself being teased a bit by a loved one if your breath is through-the-roof awful! While it’s funny if it’s just passing morning breath or you ate something very strong, it’s not so funny when the problem hangs around. We call this type of bad breath chronic and you may hear it referred to as halitosis. It’s not funny because it means there’s probably something wrong either with your approach to keeping your smile clean or you’ve got a problem with your smile health. We encourage you to find out what could be going on (and to do something about it … hint: come see us at our Grand Prairie, TX practice!) so you can get back to life with a healthy mouth.
Charcoal Toothpaste: Who Says It’s A Good Idea?
Someone out there is saying activated charcoal toothpaste is a good idea (even if it isn’t). How do we know this? Well, because there’s quite a lot of buzz surrounding this teeth whitening trend. The question is: Who is saying it’s a safe, smart, effective idea? On the other hand, who is saying that it isn’t? As you may have gathered to this point, we’re not promoting the use of this type of toothpaste because it’s not beneficial for your smile. In fact, it can be altogether dangerous for your grin. The great news? There are other, safer, highly effective ways to make your smile bright again. You can learn all about our cosmetic treatments in Grand Prairie, TX when we see you at our practice for a visit, so come in soon!
Your Smile: 3 Things You Must Do Before Your Wedding
When you’re planning your wedding, one thing you know is that you want a white, beautiful smile for photos. However, beyond that detail, you might not have considered what it’s going to take to ensure you’ve actually achieved that goal on time. You may not have considered, either, that there are some other factors to think through to ensure that when your special day rolls around, the last thing you’re doing is worrying about your smile health, your white smile (or not so white), and more. Let’s talk about dental care and three things you’ve got to think about as soon as possible.
IKEA Teacher Appreciation Event 2018
Hey there, teachers! Hopefully you are enjoying an eventful yet relaxing summer vacation and are soaking up the fun. While you may not always realize it, you are very appreciated in the community and IKEA is making sure this is something you remember! Don’t miss the soon-to-occur IKEA Teacher Appreciation Event if you’re an educator!
Steps You Should Take To Improve Your At-Home Smile Care
The dedicated care you are provided during every routine dental checkup will offer you a valuable level of support in your ongoing push to avoid cavities and gum disease. Individuals who come in for regular care are less likely to develop cavities. If tooth decay does become a problem, you have the benefit of early detection, so the matter can undergo treatment before you are in need of a root canal procedure. Of course, your Grand Prairie, TX dental practice is not a substitute for quality dental care at home! Your best defense against threats to your smile will involve everyday efforts to keep your teeth in top form! (more…)
Will Emergency Dental Care Be Available When You Need It?
Dental emergencies have the ability to take over your day, and monopolize your attention. When you find yourself dealing with a damaged or lost tooth, or significant dental pain, you should know that your Grand Prairie, TX dentist can provide emergency dental care. The goal during emergency work is to identify what is wrong, and provide relief through treatment. Once the issue is remedied, your dentist can discuss the appropriate restorative dental work. You can be relieved to know that life-like dental crowns can protect a tooth that has received care without interfering with the appearance of your smile. You should also know that when you have a tooth that is avulsed (knocked out), your dentist will return it if possible, or provide an attractive dental prosthetic. (more…)
Find Out How A Contouring Treatment Can Improve How You Look
Excessively bulky or uneven gum tissue has the potential to create real trouble for your appearance when you smile. It may seem odd to single out a smile flaw that is unrelated to your teeth, but the issue is one that can affect many people. In these situations, a gum contouring treatment can be recommended to help you even out your gums. Your dentist can also perform a tooth contouring treatment, an approach used when someone has a tooth – or teeth – that need to be reduced in size. Dental contouring is also effective for evening out a tooth that appears jagged, or slanted. (more…)