Grand Prairie Dentist: Do Kids Really Need Dental Fillings?

One of the first things we learn about teeth is that people have two sets. The first set, the baby teeth, fall out during childhood to be replaced by the adult teeth. Knowing that a second set of teeth is waiting to take over, you may begin to wonder whether dental care like a filling is even necessary for a baby tooth. After all, if it falls out, the adult tooth can eventually take over. But neglecting a filling in a baby tooth can have serious consequences. Here to discuss those consequences is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Tooth Decay in Kids

Tooth decay begins when bacteria consume any sugars and carbohydrates that linger in the mouth and produce an acid byproduct that can strip the enamel from teeth. As this process continues and teeth lose their enamel, they become weaker and weaker, and sometimes a tooth can develop a cavity. It is at this point that dental care should step in and fill the cavity because without treatment the bacteria could reach and infect the tooth’s innermost layer called the pulp.

A tooth with infected pulp is seriously unhealthy. Without treatment it will most likely die and fall out, and even for baby teeth, a prematurely lost tooth is not a good thing. Baby teeth act as placeholders for the developing adult teeth, and if one falls out too soon, the nearby teeth may grow into the vacated area, resulting in future orthodontic problems.

However, the consequences of an untreated cavity may not end when the tooth falls out. The infection may not remain contained within the damaged tooth. It could spread to other teeth or even into the body, resulting in illness. Thus if you notice any symptoms of tooth decay in your child, be sure to visit your Grand Prairie children’sdentist, Dr. Smith.

Visit Your Grand Prairie Children’s Dentist

Regular dental visits can help maintain your child’s oral health and prevent cavities. If more than six months have passed since your child’s last dental visit, schedule an appointment with your Grand Prairie children’s dentist, Dr. Smith, today. Contact our 75052 dental office by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Shares Four Homecare Tips for You and Your Family

Good homecare provides a solid foundation for a healthy mouth. If you are able to keep bacteria at bay, you will not be bothered by tooth decay or gum disease. Unfortunately, keeping bacteria from attacking your teeth and gums is easier said than done, which is why your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith is here with four homecare tips that you and your family members can put into practice.

Tips for More Thorough Homecare

1.      Brush all surfaces of your teeth. When brushing, it is a good idea to divide the work into three parts, one for each surface of your teeth. By dividing the work, you will be sure that you brush the front, back, and top surfaces of each tooth.

2.      Use the proper amount of dental floss. Using 18 inches of dental floss may seem like too much at first, but it is very important that you continually use clean sections of the floss as you clean between different teeth. If you use the same section on all of your teeth, you will not be cleaning at all. Instead, you will be moving bacteria around your mouth.

3.      Don’t brush too hard. It may be tempting to brush your teeth forcefully to remove plaque from them. However, your GrandPrairie family dentist, Dr. Smith, urges you to resist this impulse. Brushing too hard can strip teeth of their enamel and lower their defenses against bacteria, increasing your risk of tooth decay.

4.      Angle the bristles of your toothbrush toward the gum line. By angling your bristles toward the gum line, you will clean the area near your gums. Bacteria in these areas are often responsible for the development of gum disease, so keeping them clean is a good idea.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Family Dentist

In addition to proper homecare, attending regular dental visits can have a profound impact upon the state of your oral health. If more than six months have passed since your last visit, contact your Grand Prairie family dentist, Dr. Smith, to schedule an appointment by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz on Porcelain Veneers

What do you see when you smile in the mirror. If the answer is anything less than your ideal smile, you deserve better. Life is simply too short to spend time feeling embarrassed about your teeth. Just the simple act of trying to hide your smile can alter your mood, sapping the joy from your experiences. So isn’t it time you got the smile you’ve always wanted? Porcelain veneers offer one quick and easy way to make your dream smile a reality. To learn the full extent of their benefits, take this quiz from your GrandPrairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, and check your answers below. You’ll be glad you did.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: Porcelain veneers can improve the appearance of crooked and crowded teeth.

2.      True or False: Porcelain veneers can transform the appearance of your smile in two to three dental visits.

3.      True or False: All porcelain veneers are non-reversible and require tooth preparation.

Check Your Answers

1.      True. Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that attach to the front surfaces of teeth. In this position, they are capable of masking a variety of cosmetic problems including crooked and crowed teeth. These are not the only problems porcelain veneers can improve, however. They can also improve the appearance of stained, pitted, and damaged teeth, and they can cover gaps.

2.      True. Porcelain veneers are very fast. During the first dental visit, your Grand Prairiecosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, will take impressions of your teeth to gather information for the creation of the veneers. He will then send this information to a lab, which will create a customized set of veneers for you. On a return visit, these veneers will be secured in place with dental cement, completing your smile transformation.

3.      False. Some porcelain veneers require some enamel to be scraped off of teeth before the veneers are applied. These veneers are non-reversible, but durable and effective. However, Lumineers, another kind of porcelain veneer, are very thin, durable, and require no tooth preparation, making them reversible.

Porcelain Veneers from Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Are you tired of the appearance of your teeth? Get the smile you have always wanted with porcelain veneers. Call your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, at 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz on Dental Emergencies

If an emergency occurs, you need the knowledge and the confidence to act quickly and efficiently. Panic and uncertainty can only slow you down and eat away precious seconds. But do you know what to do for, say, a knocked-out tooth? Even if you are certain that you do, you may gain some more confidence and self-assurance by putting your knowledge to the test and taking this dental emergency quiz from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: You should always handle a knocked-out tooth by its root.

2.      True or False: If you suffer a broken tooth, it is a good idea to rinse your mouth with warm water.

3.      True or False: If a tooth is broken or cracked, cosmetic damage is your only worry.

4.      True or False: You should place a knocked-out tooth back in its socket.

Check Your Answers

1.      False. Always handle a knocked-out tooth by the crown rather than the root. When a tooth is knocked out. Rinse your mouth with warm water and begin searching for the lost tooth. If you are able to find it and can bring it with you to your Grand Prairie emergency dentist, Dr. Quinn, the tooth may be salvageable.

2.      True. When a tooth breaks, its pulp is no longer protected from bacteria. Thus, rinsing your mouth with warm water can remove some bacteria and lower the risk of infection.

3.      False. Infection is a major concern when a tooth is broken or cracked. When bacteria can so easily reach the tooth’s pulp, infection is much more likely. If a tooth becomes infected, that infection can kill it, causing tooth loss. The infection can also spread throughout the mouth and body.

4.      True. Placing the tooth back in its socket will help keep the tooth’s root moist. Just remember to rinse the tooth off before replacing it in the socket. Then hurry to your Grand Prairie emergency dentist.

Visit Your Grand Prairie Emergency Dentist

Prompt care is vital in an emergency situation. If you or a loved one suffers a dental emergency, contact your Grand Prairie emergency dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Have you ever wondered why many people have their wisdom teeth removed? It seems strange that a large group of people all require the removal of a natural tooth. Yet extracting wisdom teeth can prevent many oral health problems including orthodontic problems and the possibility of infections. Here to explain why wisdom teeth extraction is often necessary is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

Wisdom teeth do not typically emerge until the late teenage years or early adulthood. When they do emerge, they are not always aligned properly. They may be turned to the side or at an angle, meaning that they can crowd nearby teeth, causing orthodontic problems. In these cases, extraction is the best option. Another situation that requires extraction occurs when wisdom teeth are impacted, which means that they remain enclosed in the soft tissue or only partially come through the gums. In cases of partial eruption, infection is a great risk because patients cannot adequately clean the tooth, yet bacteria can enter the opening and wreak havoc in the forms of tooth decay, infection, and gum disease.

What to Expect from an Extraction

If your Grand Prairiedentist, Dr. Smith, decides that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted, he will employ one of two sedation methods: oral sedation or nitrous oxide. Oral sedation involves taking a pill the night before extraction and one more pill an hour before the procedure. With nitrous oxide, patients inhale the gas during the procedure. Once the sedatives begin to work, Dr. Smith will quickly and efficiently extract the teeth. Following the procedure, he will provide instructions about how to care for your mouth so that the empty socket heals properly.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

If you experience swelling or pain in the area of your wisdom teeth, they may require extraction in order to ensure the continuation of your oral health. Schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Grand Prairiedentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses How Your Diet Impacts Your Oral Health

Your diet can have a major impact on your oral health. So when you are choosing between foods, it is important to know whether your choice will be feeding you or the bacteria that cause tooth decay.  Here to discuss how diet can impact your oral health is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Vitamin D and Your Mouth

Recent research indicates that vitamin D may help to prevent cavities. In a series of trials that have spanned over sixty years, researchers have found that people with greater levels of vitamin D suffer from 50 percent less tooth decay. To get more vitamin D, try eating tuna and salmon as well as liver oils. You may also consider taking a supplement of vitamin D.

Sugar and Your Mouth

One of the best things you can do to keep your mouth and body healthy is to avoid sugar-heavy foods. These foods not only have little nutritional value but they also feed bacteria in the mouth. When bacteria consume sugar, they produce an acid byproduct that is capable of wearing away tooth enamel. Continued decay can result in a cavity or even infection of the pulp and tooth loss. Thus, a diet low in sugars is beneficial to your mouth.

Treating Tooth Decay

If you do suffer from tooth decay, it is important that you seek prompt dental care. Your Grand Prairie general dentist, Dr. Smith, offers both composite (white) and amalgam (silver) fillings. Both fillings are capable of preventing further tooth decay. However, composite fillings are generally a better choice for children, pregnant women, and anyone who suffers an allergy to mercury. Composite fillings also yield better cosmetic results because the resin used to fill the tooth is tooth-colored.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie General Dentist

Regular dental visits can help keep cavities at bay. However, if you do suffer from tooth decay, a dental filling can help repair the damage. Schedule a visit with your Grand Prairie general dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Your Zoom! Whitening FAQs

Yellow teeth have a bigger impact on people than they would sometimes care to admit. The truth is that if you are embarrassed by the color of your teeth, you are not likely to enjoy your life. After coming to that realization, then next logical step is to find the means to whiten your teeth. However, with so many treatments available, it can be difficult to choose between them. Here with some much needed information is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith. He answers your most frequently asked questions about Zoom! Whitening.

What is Zoom! Whitening?

Zoom! Whiteningis a professional grade whitening treatment offered by your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith. Zoom! lightens teeth an average of eight shades and provides long-lasting and instant results.

What does Zoom! Whitening involve?

The Zoom! Whitening procedure takes about 45 minutes to complete. If you choose to have your teeth whitened with Zoom!, Dr. Smith will begin by covering your lips and gums to ensure that only your teeth are exposed to the treatment. Once your lips and gums are covered, Dr. Smith will apply the whitening gel to your teeth, which he will activate with a special light. As soon as the gel is activated by the light, your teeth will begin the whitening process. Dr. Smith will complete this procedure in 3-4 cycles, each lasting about 15 minutes.

Will my new smile last?

With proper care and maintenance, it certainly will. After your treatment, Dr. Smith will send you home with a touchup kit of take-home whitening trays and a whitening gel. You can use the kit any time you need a touchup to keep your smile radiant and white.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Do you hide your smile out of embarrassment? Stop hiding and start living today. Schedule an appointment or a consultation to discuss Zoom! Whitening with your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Talks Yellow Teeth

If you have yellow teeth, you may be hiding your smile out of embarrassment. If so, your mood has probably gone south along with your self-esteem. The impact that smiling has on a person’s outlook is quite astounding. Smiling often can lead to a more positive outlook for you and the people around you. Unfortunately, you are not likely to smile if you are embarrassed by your teeth. But with professional teeth whitening, you have the power to change the way you feel about smiling. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, discusses the transformative power of teeth whitening.

Whiter Teeth and Your Smile

Patients who whiten their teeth often feel a newfound freedom of expression in smiling. No longer do they have to worry about hiding their teeth behind their hands when they laugh or smile. Instead, they are free to enjoy moments and let their joyous feelings shine through. This dramatic change of attitude is often noted by others, making that new smile even more noticeable. So if you are ready for a transformation of mind and body, consider professional teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening in Grand Prairie

Patients seeking brighter smiles have a couple of options for treatment depending on their preferences. Some of the more private patients choose to whiten their teeth in their own homes with take-home whitening kits. These kits include customized trays and a whitening gel that they wear over their teeth for a specified treatment time each day. At-home whitening is very effective, brightening teeth several shades. However, it often takes 2-3 weeks to show full results.

Other patients may opt for in-office whitening treatment, which takes only about an hour. For in office teeth whitening, your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, uses Zoom! whitening, which produces instant and long-lasting results.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Are you ready to unleash a new smile and a new you?  Discuss your teeth whitening options with your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Compares Zoom! Whitening with Professional Home Whitening

If you have yellow teeth, you may be embarrassed to smile. Nothing sets off a beautiful smile like pearly white teeth. But with all of the treatments available to whiten teeth, how do you know which treatment is right for you? Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, compares Zoom! Whitening with professional home teeth whitening.

The Zoom! Whitening Process

Zoom! Whitening is a professional whitening procedure, offered by your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, that lightens teeth an average of eight shades in only 45 minutes. These results can have a stunning affect on the appearance of your smile. The procedure itself is safe and comfortable, and the results are immediate and long lasting.

When performing the Zoom! Whitening treatment, Dr. Smith will first cover your lips and gums, ensuring that only your teeth are exposed to the whitening treatment. He will then apply the Zoom! whitening gel to your teeth and apply the specially designed light to activate the gel. Once the gel is activated, it will begin to lift stains and discoloration from teeth. He will then repeat this process in 15-minute intervals for 3-4 cycles. Following this treatment, Dr. Smith may also provide you with a touch-up kit that includes take-home trays and whitening gel so that you can maintain your new, white smile.

Zoom! Whitening vs. Home Whitening

Zoom! Whitening lightens teeth more shades than professional home whitening. It also offers immediate results, whereas the results of home whitening take longer to show. The total treatment time for Zoom! is about 45 minutes. However, home whitening takes 2-3 weeks and requires at least an hour of treatment per day. If you want great results in the fastest time possible, Zoom! Whitening may be right for you.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Don’t let yellow teeth keep your smile under wraps. Consider Zoom! Whitening to restore your smile to pearly whiteness. Schedule a visit with your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Fillings

Any bacteria that linger in your mouth will consume traces of sugars and carbohydrates. When they do, they produce an acid byproduct that is capable of wearing down tooth enamel. With less enamel, a tooth’s defenses are compromised, and it can eventually succumb to tooth decay. The result of such tooth decay may be a cavity. In order to prevent a cavity from worsening, it must be filled, and today that means a choice between two fillings commonly referred to as silver fillings and white fillings. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, differentiates between the two and discusses the process of filling teeth.

White Fillings vs. Silver Fillings

Your Grand Prairiedentist, Dr. Smith, offers both white fillings and silver fillings to restore damaged teeth. Both types of fillings are effective, but there are a few differences worth noting between the two. White fillings are made of a tooth-colored composite resin. They offer nice cosmetic results that keep a filled tooth from standing out next to unfilled teeth. Silver fillings, also called amalgam fillings, are made up of a combination of different types of metals. Included in these metals is a bit of mercury that aids in making the metals malleable so that they can be shaped. However, the presence of mercury makes an amalgam filling a bad option for children, pregnant women, and anyone who is sensitive to mercury.

Filling a Tooth

When filling a tooth, Dr. Smith will first administer a sedative. He may also use nitrous oxide. Next, he will scrape away and remove any decayed material from the tooth before placing the filing material, either the resin or the amalgam into the cavity. Next, he will dry the filling material and take an impression of the filled tooth to look for any rough edges. Lastly, he will smooth and polish the filling.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

If you have a cavity, a white filling can restore your tooth and yield fantastic cosmetic results. Schedule an appointment with your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.