Grand Prairie Dentist: Three Situations that May Result in a Dental Emergency
Three Potential Emergency Situations
Dental Emergency Treatment in Grand Prairie
Grand Prairie Dentist Reminds You to Take Care of Your Gums
Early Gum Disease
Advanced Gum Disease
Health Risks Associated with Gum Disease
Homecare and Gum Disease
Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist
Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Your Questions about Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Why are wisdom teeth removed?
Are wisdom teeth extractions performed under anesthesia?
Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist
Grand Prairie Dentist Takes a Closer Look at Toothaches
Four Causes of Toothaches
Visit Your Grand Prairie Dentist
Looking for a Brighter Smile? Your Grand Prairie Dentist Has the Answer.
Benefits of Zoom! Whitening
What to Expect from Zoom! Whitening
Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist
Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Four Types of Dental Crowns
A weakened tooth is susceptible to damage in the forms of cracking, chipping, and breaking. If damage is more severe, as in the case of a broken tooth, a dental crown can reinforce the tooth, restore its function, and improve its aesthetic appeal. But did you know that there are several types of dental crowns? Below, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, discusses each type.