Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Questions about Teeth Whitening
Are stained teeth making you feel unhappy and self-conscious? Have you considered teeth whitening treatment? If you have considered it but still have some lingering questions, read below as your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, responds to several frequently asked questions about teeth whitening.
Are there any dangers associated with teeth whitening treatment?
What is the difference between professional and store-bought whitening treatments?
Can I whiten my teeth professionally at home?
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Are dental fillings important even in baby teeth?
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Grand Prairie Dentist Offers a Quiz on Dental Implants
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Grand Prairie Children’s Dentist Offers a Fun Quiz
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Grand Prairie Family Dentist: Make Homecare a Family Affair
Do you struggle to get your kids to brush and floss their teeth? You are not alone. However, it is important not to give up as establishing good homecare habits is vital to a lifetime of oral health. To develop and reinforce these habits, you may even find it useful to make homecare a priority for the whole family. To learn more about how this strategy can help teach your kids the ins and outs of brushing and flossing, read the following information from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.
Homecare for the Whole Family
If your children are fighting you when it comes to brushing and flossing, take the opportunity to clean your teeth alongside them. Doing so sets a good example for them and it allows you to monitor their progress and their technique. Try standing behind them as they face the mirror for a good view of their work and correct any problems by demonstrating the proper technique.