Grand Prairie Children’s Dentist Offers a Fun Quiz

Education is a major part of the early years of dental care. By instructing your child properly, you can set him or her up for a lifetime of good oral health. To help you in this endeavor, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, has put together the following quiz. Take it with your son or daughter and see how much dental knowledge you have passed on already.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: Even though they are not permanent, baby teeth are very important.

2.      How many teeth do adults have? A) 30, B) 32, C) 34, D) 36

3.      True or False: Consuming too much sugar will not affect your teeth.

4.      True or False: You should brush your teeth 2-3 times per day.

Check Your Answers

1.      True. Baby teeth are very important because they perform all of the functions of adult teeth. Without these teeth, digestion would be more difficult during childhood years because food would not be broken down well enough to allow for the efficient extraction of nutrients. Baby teeth also perform the important task of preserving space for adult teeth. If a baby tooth is lost early because of tooth decay or another reason, the nearby teeth may grow into the vacated area, causing orthodontic problems.

2.      B. Adults typically have 32 teeth, four of which are wisdom teeth.

3.      False. Consuming too much sugar can contribute to tooth decay by feeding harmful bacteria in the mouth. When these bacteria consume sugar, they give off an acid byproduct that can rob teeth of their enamel, weakening them until a cavity develops.

4.      True. You should brush 2-3 times per day for between two and three minutes. You should also floss at least once a day.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Children’s Dentist

When was the last time your child had a dental cleaning? If it was more than six months ago, it is time for another one. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment with your Grand Prairie children’s dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Family Dentist: Make Homecare a Family Affair

Do you struggle to get your kids to brush and floss their teeth? You are not alone. However, it is important not to give up as establishing good homecare habits is vital to a lifetime of oral health. To develop and reinforce these habits, you may even find it useful to make homecare a priority for the whole family. To learn more about how this strategy can help teach your kids the ins and outs of brushing and flossing, read the following information from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Homecare for the Whole Family

If your children are fighting you when it comes to brushing and flossing, take the opportunity to clean your teeth alongside them. Doing so sets a good example for them and it allows you to monitor their progress and their technique. Try standing behind them as they face the mirror for a good view of their work and correct any problems by demonstrating the proper technique.

One challenge you may run into when teaching your children to brush is keeping them at it for the proper duration of 2-3 minutes. To encourage them to brush for the full time period, there are a few tricks that you can use. First, consider incorporating a timer. This will allow them to see their goal visually and will put a finish line in sight. If the timer doesn’t work, you can try playing a favorite song. Most songs last about three minutes, so they make good brushing timers. They may also make brushing more enjoyable for your child, making homecare feel more like fun and less like work.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Family Dentist

Have you and your family members been keeping up with your regular checkups? If not, don’t wait any longer to schedule dental appointments for each of you. Contact our 75052 dental office today to speak with your Grand Prairie family dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie General Dentist Helps You Prevent Cavities

A cavity is the physical damage done to a tooth by harmful bacteria. Thus, cavity prevention is all about ridding the mouth of these bacteria. To aid you in this endeavor, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, has put together three tips that can help you remain cavity free.

Tips for Cavity Prevention

1.      Avoid sugary snacks and drinks. You have probably heard many times that sugar rots your teeth. While this saying is not true in the strictest sense, sugar does play a significant role in the process of tooth decay. It serves as fuel for bacteria, which consume it and give off an acid byproduct capable of stripping teeth of their enamel. When enough damage occurs, a cavity can develop.

2.      Don’t brush with too much force. This may seem incorrect, but brushing too hard can actually cause some significant problems. The abrasion from forceful brushing can prove too much for tooth enamel, which can be stripped away, thereby making teeth more vulnerable to attack from bacteria. People often brush forcefully to make sure that they are able to remove bacteria-ridden plaque and tartar from their teeth. However, it is better to trust to thorough homecare and dentalcleanings rather than brute force to keep teeth clean and healthy.

3.      Attend dental cleanings with regularity. Dental cleanings are very important because they allow a trained hygienist to clean your teeth. Any stubborn plaque or tartar that you have been unable to remove, they can scrape away with special instruments, leaving your teeth free of the threat of bacteria. Regular cleanings will also allow your Grand Prairie general dentist, Dr. Smith, to examine your mouth for any troubling signs and intervene if they are present.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie General Dentist

Are you past due for a dental cleaning? If more than six months have passed since your last dental visit, the time has come to schedule a follow-up. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment with your Grand Prairie general dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Quizzes You on Gum Disease

Gum disease is by no means unheard of. However, not everyone knows just how much damage this sinister disease can inflict. So how does your knowledge stack up on the subject? To find out, test your knowledge with the following quiz from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, and check your answers below.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: Gum disease is uncomfortable, but it is not a significant threat.

2.      True or False: Gum disease has no cure.

3.      True or False: Regular dental cleanings can go a long way toward preventing gum disease.

Check Your Answers

1.      False. Because many people know about gingivitis (a form of gum disease that causes inflammation), some people think of gum disease as a kind of rash for the gums. However, gingivitis is not the only type of gum disease. Periodontitis is a more damaging form of gum disease that attacks teeth-supporting tissues and ligaments. As these important structures decay, teeth may loosen and eventually fall out. In addition, gum disease also increases the risks of heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.

2.      True. While gum disease can be managed with treatments that include deep cleanings and medications, there is no true cure for the disease. Thus, prevention is that much more important.

3.      True. Gum disease prevention centers around keeping harmful bacteria away from the gums. Thus, homecare is a very important part as brushing and flossing help to remove bad bacteria. However, homecare alone may not be enough. Bacteria can form plaque and tartar, allowing them to cling to teeth in sticky substances that a toothbrush alone may be unable to remove. Thus, it is important that you attend regular dental cleanings to ensure that your teeth remain free of bacteria-ridden plaque and tartar.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

If you notice any symptoms that could point to gum disease, don’t ignore them. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment with your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Looks at the Benefits of Implant Dentures

When dentures do not fit properly, they have a high potential for irritation and embarrassment. As the dentures slide around the mouth, they create friction which can become quite painful. Their instability can also lead to embarrassing slips, lowering the confidence of denture wearers. If these struggles are familiar to you, implant dentures could be the perfect solution. To learn more about implant dentures and their many benefits, read the information below provided by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Advantages of Implant Dentures

1.      There is no need for adjustments. Traditional dentures create friction, causing the ridges on the jaw to wear down over time. As these ridges wear down, the fit becomes less and less secure. It is at this point that many denture wearers will have the fit of their dentures adjusted to improve their stability. Unfortunately, these adjustments provide only a temporary fix. For a more permanent solution, you can have your dentures supported by dental implants. These implant dentures are anchored into the jawbone itself, creating unsurpassed stability that will not diminish over time.

2.      The dentures will feel more like your natural teeth. Natural teeth have their roots in the jawbone. Implant dentures are the same way with the posts of the dental implants embedded in the jaw. Thus, the feel of implant dentures is far more natural than the feel of traditional dentures, which are held in place by the suction they create by covering the palate.

3.      Your sense of taste will return. Because there is no need for suction to hold implant dentures in place, there is no need for the palate to be covered. Accordingly, you should notice an improvement in your sense of taste.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

Are you sick of struggling with your sliding dentures? Implant dentures may be the solution you need. Contact our 75052 dental office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Quizzes You on Zoom! Whitening

What color is a beautiful smile? Chances are you said white. Therefore, if you have dull or yellow teeth, why not consider teeth whitening treatment? Many things can conspire to yellow our teeth, but professional teeth whitening treatment can combat them. To learn more about the Zoom! Whitening treatment offered by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, try your hand at the following quiz and check your answers below.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening takes about one hour to complete.

2.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening can remove any type of stain from teeth.

3.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening is the only whitening treatment offered by your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist.

Check Your Answers

1.      True. The Zoom! Whitening procedure is a very quick process designed to deliver speedy and dramatic results. During the procedure, Dr. Smith will cover your lips and gums before applying a whitening solution to your teeth. He will then activate the solution with a special light. This process will occur in cycles of about 15 minutes. At the end of one hour, your teeth will be visibly brighter, and you can show off your smile on the way out the door.

2.      False. While teeth whitening is effective against many stains, there are some stains that are beyond the reach of the treatment. These intrinsic stains (named because of their location deep inside teeth) are inaccessible for the whitening agents. However, if your teeth are discolored by extrinsic stains, do not fret. Porcelain veneers can cover the stains and give you the bright smile you want fast.

3.      False. Zoom! is the fastest whitening treatment that Dr. Smith offers. However, if you would prefer to whiten your teeth in the privacy of your own home, you can receive a take-home whitening kit. The kit takes about two weeks to show its full results.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Are you interested in trying Zoom! Whitening? If so, contact your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Three Surprising Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Have you ever noticed that truly stand-out smiles come in only one shade? The color of teeth can have a dramatic impact upon the appearance of a smile. Therefore, if your teeth have dulled over the past few years, why not try
teeth whitening treatment? In addition to improving the appearance of your teeth, teeth whiteningtreatment yields a number of surprising benefits. To learn more about these benefits, read the information below provided by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening Treatment

1.      More self-confidence. Self-confidence is a huge part of getting the most enjoyment possible out of life. Without confidence, people may shrink from social gatherings and other opportunities. Having stained teeth can lead to a lack of self-confidence. People may try to hide their teeth or avoid smiling altogether. With teeth whitening treatment, however, teeth can achieve a lovely shade of white that inspires smiles and, of course, confidence.

2.      A better image in the workplace. Did you know that studies have revealed that the appearance of a person’s teeth can influence others’ opinions about that person? If, for example, two people are compared, one with stained and crooked teeth, the other with straight, white teeth, the natural response amongst the majority of people is to assume that the person with the straight, white teeth is more capable, focused, and organized.

3.      The potential to earn more money. A recent study found a link between appearance and salary. The study surveyed a group of people to determine the attractiveness of many people. The researchers then compared these results to the salary of each individual and found that those individuals who were deemed more attractive brought in larger salaries than those deemed less attractive.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Do you want to brighten your smile and your outlook? Teeth whitening treatment may be just the answer. Contact your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Helps You Get the Care You Need

Your oral health should not be determined by your financial situation. Everyone deserves to have a mouth full of healthy teeth, and everyone deserves a beautiful smile. Therefore, if you are concerned about the affordability of your dental work, don’t hesitate to contact our 75052 dental office, where we offer financing options as well as our new dental savings planto help our patients get the care they need. To learn more, read the information below from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Making Quality Dental Care Affordable

At Pecan Tree Dental, our goal is to bring quality dental care to everyone. We believe that a sparkling smile is an invaluable asset that brings confidence and self-esteem, and we know just how important teeth are in our daily lives. Therefore, we have put together a dental savings plan to help ensure that our patients without dental insurance can receive the affordable care they need. This plan offers coverage for basic dental procedures like checkups, cleanings, and x-rays, and even contributes a 35%-50% discount for other dental services. The cost of the dental savings plan is an annual fee of $124 for individuals or an annual fee of $298 for families. If you have any questions about this plan, contact our 75052 dental office today.

In addition to our dental savings plan, we at Pecan Tree dental seek to keep our prices affordable. We do not upsell, and we offer a 3-year warranty on our dental work. We hope to bring quality dentistry to as many people as possible, and we also accept the following insurance providers: Aetna, Ameritus, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Federal, Cigna, Delta Dental PPO, Delta Dental Premier, Guardian, Humana, and United Concordia.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

Whatever your dental needs, you deserve professionalism and genuine care when it comes to your oral health. For restorative, cosmetic, or preventive dentistry, look no further than your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Smith. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Grand Prairie Dentist Lists the Advantages of Dental Implants

Tooth loss can be disheartening and even a bit frightening. After all, it’s not as though you can -simply re-grow lost teeth. You can, however, replace your missing teeth, and today’s replacements are distinguished by the natural way that they look and feel. To learn more about these replacement teeth, read the information below about dental implants provided by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Benefits of Dental Implants

1.      They’re versatile. Dental implants can aid in a variety of dental restorations ranging from a single-tooth replacement to a full denture. The function of the dental implants is to stabilize the restoration so that it can remain stable in the mouth. Based on the restoration being completed, the number of dental implants may change. For a single-tooth restoration, only a single implant is necessary for a full-mouth restoration, the number of dental implants will increase.

2.      They feel natural. The roots of natural teeth anchor them into the jawbone. The same is true of dental implant restorations, giving these restorations a natural feel. Because they do not rely on surrounding teeth or suction for stability like other restorations, dental implants restorations tend to be very comfortable, and in some cases, patients forget that they are not actually their own natural teeth.

3.      They require no special care. A dental implant restoration mimics a natural tooth. That mimicry continues even to homecare. Patients with dental implant restorations do not have to take any special precautions with them. Instead, they can treat and clean them like real teeth, brushing and flossing as they naturally would and allowing the restorations to integrate smoothly into their lives.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

Are you missing a tooth or several teeth? Dental implants may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Grand Prairie implant dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

Arlington Dentist Answers Your Questions about Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious threat to the teeth and mouth? However, many people do not know much about how it develops or how to prevent it. Therefore to make sure that you are informed about gum disease and its effects on the mouth, your Arlington dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, is responding to your most frequently asked questions.

What does gum disease look like?

Gum disease has many visual symptoms that you can recognize. However, the symptoms can vary based on how far the disease has progressed. Gingivitis, for instance, may make the gums look red and swollen, while periodontitis can cause pockets to develop between the teeth and the gums. A propensity of the gums to bleed is common of both.

What are the risks of gum disease?

Gum disease increases the risks of heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. In addition, periodontitis attacks vital structures that support teeth, and as these tissues and ligaments are damaged, teeth can loosen, causing them to shift and even fall out altogether. Large scale tooth loss is very common, which can lead to problems with jawbone density and even facial collapse.

How can I keep gum disease from developing?

To keep your mouth free of gum disease it is important that you develop good homecare habits. Brush your teeth 2-3 times per day and floss once a day. When brushing, angle your toothbrush toward the gum line to remove bacteria from this area. Also be sure to floss gently and carefully so that you can remove hidden bacteria from between your teeth. Finally, be sure that you keep up with your regular dental cleanings with your Arlington dentist, Dr. Smith. These cleanings are very important because they allow a professional to clean and examine your teeth and gums.

Schedule a Visit with Your Arlington Dentist

If you notice any of the symptoms gum disease, don’t ignore them. Quick intervention can protect your teeth and mouth. Contact our 75052 dental office today to schedule an appointment with your Arlington dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 972-262-5111. We welcome patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.