More to Know About Tobacco

Chances are, you know that smoking and chewing tobacco are among the worst things you can do to your body. The devastating effects of tobacco use are well-documented and often discussed, yet an estimated 19.3% of adults aged 18 and older in the United States smoke cigarettes. To help raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco use, Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, lists some of the things you should know about smoking’s effects on your physical and oral health.

Just Say No

  • Due to its widespread use, cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable death in the US. The habit is responsible for approximately 443,000 deaths every year (which equals about one out of every five deaths).
  • To clarify, smoking is a major contributing factor to a host of humanity’s most daunting diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory illness/failure, and many more. In fact, for every person who passes away from a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more still suffering from at least one illness caused by the bad habit.
  •  According to numerous studies and research data, smoking takes an average 13-14 years off of a smoker’s lifespan.
  • Whether you smoke or chew tobacco, your mouth is the medium used to introduce the substance into your body, so its effects on your teeth and gums should come as no surprise. Tobacco use can stain your teeth, contribute to chronic bad breath (halitosis), and significantly increase your risk of developing destructive dental diseases.
  • The toxic chemicals in tobacco can interfere with the proper function of your gum tissue cells, making you more susceptible to gum disease. Smoking also impairs the blood flow to our gum tissue and can negatively affect your mouth’s ability to heal.
  • Tobacco use is also one of the leading causes of oral cancer, which newly affects 42,000 Americans a year and claims the lives of over 8,000 people in the same time span.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Dental Cleaning?

Hopefully, you already know that brushing and flossing your teeth are essential to keeping your mouth clean and free of disease. However, ensuring your smile’s long-term health also requires regularly scheduled visits to the dentist’s office for thorough dental exams and cleanings. To help you understand the importance of professional dentistry’s role in your oral health, Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, describes the benefits of routinely attending your dental checkups and cleanings.

Professional Maintenance for Your Smile

Your toothbrush and floss are your main weapons against the excessive buildup of dental plaque—the sticky stuff that coats your teeth and gums from time to time. Plaque is more than annoying; it’s a danger to your oral health because it’s composed almost entirely of oral bacteria. These germs are responsible for the processes that cause gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, and some of them are suspected instigators in certain systemic illnesses, like heart disease and respiratory illnesses. When you miss a spot of plaque and it remains for more than 48 hours, the sticky stuff becomes a hard and insoluble substance that needs professional maintenance to remove. One of our talented hygienists will thoroughly clean your teeth and underneath your gums of plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria, increasing your chances of successful prevention.

Detection & Prevention: The Most Effective Treatments

Aside from cleaning up what your hygiene routine has left behind, your dental checkup and cleaning will allow Dr. Smith to thoroughly inspect your mouth for early signs of trouble. As progressive diseases, tooth decay and gum disease are more successfully treated the earlier they are detected. Early treatment can also help you avoid the need for extensive dental procedures later on down the line.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

Are Your Teeth Sensitive To Temperatures?

If you wince from the cold when biting into ice cream, or from that hot cup of tea or coffee hitting your teeth in the morning, then you may have sensitive teeth. This is a common condition; in fact, at least 45 million people suffer from sensitive teeth at least once in their lifetimes. While they can be painful and a bit of a burden for some people, sensitive teeth are, more often than not, highly treatable, and you may find relief by visiting your Pecan Tree dentist’s office.

Reasons for Tooth Sensitivity

There are multiple reasons why you may experience dental discomfort, most of which involve the exposure of a tooth’s sensitive underlying tissues. Tooth enamel, the highly-mineralized, highly-resilient protective outer layer of your teeth, surrounds and protects the main structure of each tooth, called dentin. Similar to bone tissue, dentin is porous, consisting of miniscule tubules that send sensory information to the nerves housed at the tooth’s center (in a hollow chamber called the pulp). If enamel becomes too thin or breaks down, or if a tooth becomes infected by oral bacteria (tooth decay), then the dentin and nerves can become exposed, making the tooth sensitive to irritation, such as hot and cold foods and beverages. 

Ways to Treat Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is not inevitable. It can often be prevented with a good hygiene routine, including scheduled dental checkups and cleanings, and tooth sensitivity can usually be treated with prompt dental care.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste—Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that strengthens teeth by bonding to thin, weak layers of enamel. Make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride, as well as the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance on its packaging.
  • Use a softer toothbrush—Toothbrushes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and from a number of different materials. For effective cleaning, choose a brush with soft nylon bristles, as opposed to harsher ones that can scratch and damage your tooth enamel.
  • Use restraint when snacking—To bypass your teeth’s enamel and reach the dentin underneath it, some oral bacteria convert sugars, starches, and other carbohydrates into acids that erode your enamel. Excessive snacking means excessive amounts of acid exposure, an increased risk of enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity, and an enhanced possibility of developing cavities.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you’re a new or returning patient, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

Do You Have Bleeding Gums?

When you hear about oral health, more than likely you think about tooth cavities. While this can be an important factor pertaining to teeth health, your gums are also very important. Your gums not only play an important role in just your oral health, but in your overall well-being as well. In most cases, swollen and bleeding gums are a potential sign of gum disease. There are a number of different things that cause gum issues. Whatever the issue, there are steps that can be taken to minimize gum damage and discomfort.

What Causes Your Gums to Bleed?

Bleeding gums could result from a bleeding disorder, brushing your teeth too hard, hormonal changes during pregnancy, improper flossing, ill-fitting dentures, and even infection. Your gums could also bleed from inadequate plaque removal on your teeth, around the gum line. This leads to gingivitis or inflamed gums. Plaque can be removed through regular brushing and dental appointments; however, without this, the plaque can harden (calcify)into what’s called tartar. This will ultimately lead to increased bleeding and a higher level of gum and jawbone disease, known as periodontitis.

How Can This be Prevented?

Prevention can be pretty easy. When toothbrush shopping, whether it be a manual or electric one, choose one that has soft, nylon bristles, and the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance on its packaging. There are toothbrushes that have medium or hard bristles, but they can damage the enamel on your teeth and cause red, swollen gums. When you brush, use gentle, circular motions to massage and clean your teeth and gums. Some people use a back-and-forth method, but this method can irritate and damage your gums, making them sore and prone to increased bleeding. If the bleeding is severe or chronic, or if your gums continue to bleed even after treatment, it would be best to consider coming in and seeing Dr. Smith for further diagnosis and potential treatment options.

About Your Grand Prairie Dentist: 

Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you’re a new or returning patient, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

What Is Your Tooth Enamel Made Of?

Did you know that the protective layer around your teeth, called enamel, is the strongest substance that your body produces? In fact, healthy tooth enamel is stronger than any other substance on earth except for diamonds. Nevertheless, your enamel isn’t indestructible. Without proper care and maintenance, your tooth enamel can lose its incredible resilience and fall victim to tooth decay or damage. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explores the strength and vulnerability of human tooth enamel and how you can help protect yours from danger.

The Formation of Tooth Enamel

There are many similarities between the structures of your bones and teeth; for instance, both are comprised largely of calcium and phosphate mineral crystals. Specialized proteins shape and form strands from these minerals, and in the case of tooth enamel, these strands are stretched thousands of times longer and stronger than those of bone. Tooth enamel remainsstrong by absorbing essential minerals from your teeth (remineralization), but when oral bacteria-produced acid attacks, it can weaken your enamel and deplete your teeth’s mineral supply (demineralization).

Keeping Enamel Strong

Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day helps control the population of acid producing oral bacteria, limiting the threat that these germs pose to your tooth enamel. If Dr. Smith notices that your enamel suffers from excessive demineralization during your dental checkup, he may recommend fluoride treatment to fortify and strengthen your tooth enamel. We’ll also work with you to develop a more effective dental hygiene routine to reduce your risk of developing tooth decay.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

Are You Contemplating OTC Teeth Whitening?

Although not all stained teeth are unhealthy teeth, the changes in tooth color can significantly detract from your smile’s visual appeal. Teeth whitening is a procedure that lightens teeth and helps remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures that Dr. Smith performs to greatly improve how your teeth look. Yet, many people choose, or seriously consider choosing, an over-the-counter whitening product, mistakenly believing that the results will be the same. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case, and rather than a brighter smile, you may end up with damaged, sensitive teeth that still exhibit the stains OTC teeth whitening couldn’t address.

Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

If you are considering whitening or bleaching your teeth, it may be in your best interest to discuss the possible risks with Dr. Smith, especially if you plan on doing this procedure over-the-counter (OTC). A few risks that could arise from careless, unprofessional teeth whitening include tooth sensitivity and damage to the roots of your teeth. Such products contain chemicals that, although weaker than the whitening products your dentist uses, can still damage the outer layer of your teeth, leaving them sensitive and vulnerable to tooth decay and damage.  Because OTC products tend to be weaker than professional whitening, their unsatisfactory results can tempt you to overuse the solution and damage your teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth Without Harm

Rather than relying on chemicals to keep your smile bright, Dr. Smith recommends a few healthier ways to prolong your smile’s pearly-white visage. Crunchy vegetables, like raw celery and carrots, along with crispy fruits, like raw apples, and pears, consist of fibrous textures that help clean and polish your teeth without damaging the enamel around them. Baking soda and lemon juice can be mixed together into a paste that works as both a cleaning and a bleaching agent. The baking soda scrubs away at any surface stains, while the citric acid in the lemon juice can have a mild bleaching effect. Dr. Smith warns, however, to take care with lemon juice, as the acidity can also wear down tooth enamel if not used carefully.

About Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist: 

Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you’re a new or returning patient, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

TMJ Disorder and the Quality of Your Life

Dental discomfort, such as a toothache, can have a significant influence on more than just your immediate dental health. When severe enough, the pain can affect your daily tranquility and overall quality of life. Besides aching teeth, dental discomfort might also encompass sore, painful jaw joints, along with trouble fully opening and closing your jaw. Known as TMJ disorder, the jaw dysfunction can often generate other symptoms, as well, including severe headaches and chronic tinnitus (pain and ringing in the ears). Though not everyone automatically associates headaches with their dental health, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, urges you to seek a professional TMJ assessmentif you’ve been unable to find relief for your persistent aches and pains.

The Dominant Trigeminal Nerve

Like any sensation, pain is sent as signals through your nerves to your brain, where the disturbance is registered and brought to your attention. On both sides of your jaw, the trigeminal nerves travel through your TMJs and continue branching out to innervate the majority of your head, neck, and facial structures. When your jaw’s joints and muscles suffer damage and inflammation, they can aggravate the trigeminal nerves, leading to the wide variety of craniofacial aches and pains associated with TMJ disorder.

How to Treat Your Jaw Dysfunction

In most cases, TMJ disorder stems from excessive pressure on your jaw’s joints and muscles, and can result from consistent teeth grinding in the midst of elevated stress; an uneven bite, such as crooked teeth, that hinders your mouth’s balance; or a direct blow to the mouth and jaw that forces the joints out of alignment. Treating TMJ disorder depends on the nature andextent of the issue. Your treatment may include a mouthguard and splint to reposition the jaws more comfortably, or orthodontic treatment to correct malocclusion (crooked teeth) and restore the proper balance to your bite.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

What is Bruxing?

Bruxism is defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as, the habit of unconsciously gritting or grinding the teeth especially in situations of stress or during sleep. It’s derived from the Greek word brychein meaning “to gnash teeth.” Bruxism can be done consciously or unconsciously, and can be mild or excessive. Usually, mild bruxing will not result in problems, but excessive bruxing can. Your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, can evaluate your teeth for signs of bruxism, and discuss your need for treatment.

What Leads to Bruxing

Bruxing may be the result of stress, tension, anger, anxiety, or frustration. It has been speculated that it may be associated with certain personality types, such as hyperactive, competitive, or aggressive personalities. It may also be generated by missing teeth, malocclusion (incorrect bite), diseases like Parkinson’s or Huntington’s, and medications such as certain antidepressants.

To determine if you are a bruxer, take the following true or false quiz:

  1. Your jaw muscles are tight, sore, or tired: T or F
  2. You experience pain in your face, ears, or jaws: T or F
  3. Your teeth are sensitive, worn, chipped, flattened, or becoming shorter: T or F
  4. Your partner complains that you grind in your sleep: T or F
  5. You experience sore gums: T or F
  6. You wake up with headaches: T or F
  7. You notice a level of hearing loss: T or F
The above are indications of bruxing. Teeth are strong and meant to last a lifetime if cared for properly. However, if you brux in your sleep and are unaware, you may not realize your condition until complications develop, such as serious tooth damage and/or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Therefore, knowing the signs and symptoms, and attending routine visits to Dr. Quinn can prevent your condition from worsening.  Dr. Quinn may opt to treat your bruxing with a mouth guard or splint. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Quinn if you’re aware that you brux, or if you are experiencing mouth, jaw, ear, or face pain, or if someone notices that you are grinding in your sleep.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a respected and experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

How Spring Allergies Affect Teeth

Budding trees and colorful flowers make spring come alive, but, for seasonal allergy sufferers, allergies reawaken as well. 
While people commonly think of symptoms like sneezing and watery eyes, your allergies could be the root cause of your dental pain as well. Sinus problems often manifest as tooth pain with the beginning of pollen season. 

 Allergic Rhinitis – The Reason for the Sneezing This Season

This common condition affects roughly 20 percent of the population. Simply put, it’s an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, Eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses, and throat. All the usual symptoms come out, including:

  • Sneezing 
  •  Itchy eyes, nose, ears, or palate 
  •  Runny nose
  • Congestion

But dental pain, especially of the upper or lower back teeth, also may indicate a spring allergy. Ask yourself these questions if you think your tooth pain and allergies may be related:

  • Does standing on your toes and powerfully dropping your heels cause your teeth to hurt?
  • Does walking down stairs hurt?
  • If you change the position of head, tilting it back and forth, does it hurt your teeth?

How to Alleviate Allergy-Induced tooth pain?

Start with the basics. Take an antihistamine plus ibuprofen for a day to see if it helps. If you have congestion as well, add a decongestant to the combo. 
Allergies stress out your immune system, so look for ways to boost it with proper nutrition. Look for foods that deliver stress-fighting antioxidants without increasing your mucus levels, such as leafy green, blueberries and other fruits and vegetables. 

Stay hydrated to flush your system of foreign irritants, thin out mucus, and support sinus drainage. Bacteria flourish when your mouth is dry, so this also helps keep your mouth clean. Remember, alcohol and caffeinated beverages actually dehydrate you, so stick to water and non-sugary drinks.

Some people have great success with Neti, or sinus, pots, a natural remedy that involves flushing salt water through your sinuses. For the best chance of success, use Himalayan salt, consider the purest source with the most vital minerals. 

About Us:

Grand Prairie dentist Dr. Quinn J. Smith received hi
s undergraduate degree from Boise State University in Boise, Idaho and went on to attend and graduate from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in Louisville, Ky.  Dr. Smith considers Pecan Tree Dental his home away from home, and his patients and staff his extended family. He strives to put each patient at ease with his sincere, friendly chair-side manner and honest treatment approach.Visit Pecan Tree Dental at 775 W. Westchester Pkwy, Suite 101, in Grand Prairie, TX, 75052 or call 972-262-5111.

What Does Your Toothache Mean?

Are you experiencing a toothache? Do you know why you have a toothache? Have you been examined by a dentist? Discomfort and pain from a toothache could lead to a variety of oral conditions. A toothache can vary from moderate discomfort to sever pain. Also, the intensity of pain could indicate the level of invasive treatment needed to correct the condition. The pain will not dissipate over time, and the proactive action is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith in Grand Prairie, TX for oral diagnosis and treatment.

How Your Teeth Are Structured

First Layer:
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. It’s strength derives from the tightly packed calcium and phosphate crystals, creating a compound called calcium-phosphate. Once developed, enamel is not considered a live tissue. The enamel protects the second layer of the tooth called the dentin. 

Second Layer:
The dentin is a softer substance similar to bone. It is compressible and sensitive. Miniature tubules connect the dentin to the nerve inside the tooth core called the pulp. Dentin is a live tissue, unlike enamel. 

Third Layer:
The tooth core (pulp chamber) is the housing for nerves and blood vessels. Nutrients are supplied to the teeth through the pulp. The nerves and blood vessels are connected to the surrounding soft tissues at the roots tip.

How Infection Affects Your Teeth
Most commonly, oral infection appears in two different forms. The first is tooth decay, and the second is gum disease.

The presence of tooth decay causes sensitivity due to the erosion of teeth. Bacterial plaque feed on sugar and starches and produced acid, demineralizing, or leeching the minerals, from your teeth, potentially resulting in cavities. The ongoing process of demineralization can lead to cavities that, left untreated, may extend from the enamel into the tooth’s core. 

Gum disease (periodontal disease) causes the deterioration of gums. Infection eats away the bond between teeth and gums, working its way down the tooth instead of through the tooth. Receding gums, bleeding, and pus are all symptoms of gum disease; However, symptoms rarely show in the early stages. Gum disease affects 80% of people and is the leading cause of tooth loss in US adults.

Dr. Smith and the team at Pecan Tree Dental advise you to schedule an appointment if your toothache is a consistent pain for more than a few days and if the pain becomes unbearable, affecting your daily life. 

About Your Grand Prairie Dentist 
Dr. Quinn Smith and our team at Pecan Tree Dental are committed to serve you above all expectations. Call and schedule an appointment today if your toothache persists for more than a few days: (972) 262-5111