When you begin examining your options for replacing one or multiple missing teeth (but not a full arch of teeth), you will find yourself faced with a variety of options. This is a relief, of course, until you realize that there’s a lot to learn (and time’s a-wastin’). When the term partial denture crosses your path, you may wonder what to make of it. Is it the same thing as a bridge, for instance? What’s it do? Is it right for you? We can help clarify what a partial is … and is not … to get you started.
Quiz: When Your Child Swallows Toothpaste
There’s nothing quite like the moment when your child fails to spit out the toothpaste in his or her mouth and instead swallows it. Or the moment you discover your child found a tube of toothpaste and thought it would make a nice snack. To help calm your nerves and guide you through this potentially alarming moment (though of course, your little angels might not ever do such a thing!), we offer help in the form of a dental care quiz.
Your (Embarrassing) Hygiene Questions
You have some questions that you are just dying to ask us about dental hygiene … but you’re too embarrassed to ask. This is something we come across all the time! Patients want more information about something but they’re worried we will find the question silly or unimportant. Keep something very significant in mind: We are here to help you make good choices to protect your smile! No matter how small or big the inquiry, we would much rather that you ask and will always be willing to respond with helpful information! Let’s begin by covering the basics.
3 Reasons To Pat Yourself On The Back: 2016 Edition
When you spend time reflecting on an entire year, there are a lot of things to consider! There’s your work life, your social life, your love life, your general well being, and a million other areas of your journey on this planet. The one we are most interested in, of course, is your oral health! How did you do throughout 2016? While it’s possible you had some ups and downs over the year when it comes to your smile, we suggest you take a moment to consider some reasons to pat yourself on the back. Focusing on the positive is always a helpful way to transition into the New Year!
Happy Holidays! It’s Time For A Festive Quiz!
As the weekend quickly approaches, we would just like to send out our wishes for a very enjoyable holiday experience. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, spend time with family and friends, and smile that healthy smile of yours! It is healthy, right? Check out a quick holiday quiz to make sure you’re keeping your oral health protected throughout the fun and merriment that awaits.
TMJs: Working Out The Details
Do you know what we’re talking about when we discuss TMJ disorder (TMD) with you? If you don’t know what a TMJ is then the answer is probably a flat out, “Nope!” Since your functional health is extremely important (and since you are experiencing a problem with your jaw that requires care), we encourage you to learn the basics. Once you have the essentials down pat, you can quickly understand what’s happening with your jaw joints, why you need care, and how TMJ treatment works. Let’s iron out those details!
Bad Breath: What’s The Problem?
Perhaps you are trying to figure out how you could possibly have bad breath. After all, you have a toothbrush and toothpaste! Dental floss, too! All of which you use at least most of the time as we have suggested. You have even stopped eating all things extremely smelly like garlic and onions. Still, though, your halitosis persists. We understand that this can feel like an uphill battle. Fortunately, there are some easy answers. Of course, when you cannot seem to resolve the issue, coming in for a visit with us is always the best next step.
Need Cosmetic Care? Consider These Holiday Blunders!
Have you been thinking lately that you might need cosmetic care, so you can feel exceptional about your smile? If you’re not sure whether the time is right (or if maybe you’re making more out of your dislike of your smile than is necessary), we are here to help! Since a new perspective can often provide you with the motivation you have been missing to go forward with improving your grin, we suggest you make your way through a couple potential holiday blunders. They just might help you pick up the phone to schedule your cosmetic consultation.
Blurring The Oral Health Guidelines: Are You On Track?
Do you find that you occasionally tell yourself little white lies when you’re not really in the mood to care for your smile? Perhaps you make rationalizations when our explanation of protecting your oral health just doesn’t sound logical. While we certainly understand the desire to personalize your dental care in a way that feels extra easy and comfortable for you, this approach can end in disaster! To ensure you’re not inching your way toward an unhealthy smile on accident, we encourage you to check in on your habits.
Q&A: Why Purchase A Safe, Reusable Water Bottle?
Have you noticed that most of your friends aren’t carrying around water bottles that you might pick up at the grocery store (the type that you toss into the recycling bin after you’re finished)? Instead, they’re carrying bottles meant to tote water around for the long haul? A reusable bottle for your daily hydration needs is something that can become a huge asset for your oral health. Not sure how this works in favor of your smile? We can help.