Yum! Is there something about the chance to taste a whole lot of food from an even longer list of venues that puts a smile on your face? If so, then you will most certainly want to make sure you’re present at the upcoming Taste of Grand Prairie and Community Spotlight event!
Electric Toothbrush: Pros And Cons!
How many times have you wondered if you should be using an electric toothbrush? Perhaps you’ve seen television commercials in which a couple is using their special electric brushes together? Do you wonder if maybe this is one of those milestones that means you’ve graduated to some very mature level of dental hygiene? The truth is, this technology can benefit just about everyone. However, it’s not always necessary. To help you make your choice, we offer pros and cons to consider.
Let’s Talk: The Importance Of Your Dental Cleanings
If you’ve ever come in to see us, then you know your dental cleanings are very important. Well, you know that we have told you that they are very important but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a firm grasp on why this is the case. We understand that in order to adopt this outlook you may be seeking out details that support the fact that your preventive cleanings are so very significant. Not surprisingly, we are ready with information on hand!
“Better Than” Tips For Oral Health
Do you know if you’re doing right by your smile? Do you assume that if you’re doing something that isn’t exactly in line with our suggestions for good oral health then you might as well not even try? We understand that when you’re thinking about dental care, it often seems like a very black and white world. However, there is most certainly quite a big grey area! When you’re faced with two not-so-great options, it’s actually possible to pick the better of the two. Not to worry! We can help you with the details, which just might offer you the clarity you’ve been needing.
Dental Care And Big Life Events
So, maybe you’ll be moving into your new home within a few months! Perhaps you’re getting married. Or, you’re thinking about starting a business and you’re going to end up being extremely busy. While the first thing that pops into your mind when you’re planning major life events is likely not your smile, it’s something we suggest you think about. Did you know that taking care of dental care before such moments is actually a very good idea? It really is! Find out why.
Canker Sores: What’s Going On In My Mouth?
If you experience some sudden and extreme pain in your mouth in a single location, take a look. Do you see a whitish ulcer, perhaps with a yellow tinge? Does its surrounding tissue give it what appears to be a red border? If so, you just might be dealing with a canker sore. If you’ve had one before, you’re already familiar. If not, you might feel somewhat concerned. For now, we can help you out with the information you really want to know. Of course, if the problem causes you alarm, we always welcome a visit.
A Better Brushing Breakdown: The 30 Second Rule
When you brush your teeth, you know that you should be doing so for two minutes until you’re done. We also alert you that it’s important to do your best to focus on all of your teeth surfaces. However, it can be easy to end up a bit too focused on your visible teeth or to worry too much about the surfaces that you chew with. As a result, if you’re paying close attention to the seconds as they tick away but having trouble dividing up your time, this can backfire. Fortunately, we can guide you through the process with a very simple dental hygiene guideline: The 30 second rule!
Chipped Teeth: 1,2,3
You probably weren’t trying to chip your tooth but sometimes it happens. It might have been something you did (or have been doing, as bad habits can lead to damaged teeth). Or, you might have had a stroke of bad luck. Whatever the case, there are generally some ways to prevent chips from occurring. Of course, when they do, cosmetic dentistry is here to help. Get the details you need in three easy steps, so you can keep your smile looking beautiful.
Using The Internet: A Quiz
You may find yourself discovering more and more that searching for factual answers to things online is a bit of a stumbling block. In some instances, you can be sure you’re starting at reliable information. In other cases, you feel very uncertain about the literature or date before you. To be sure, the online world is full of the true and then the not so true. So, how to know how the Internet figures into your oral health and the research you attempt? Our quiz will begin to shed light on this topic.
Back To School: 3 Things To Consider
Are you gearing up to get your kids ready for the new school year to begin? If so, one of the tasks on your to-do list might be “visit the dentist” (or at least we hope that’s the case!). While your intentions are already on track, we would like to remind you of a few important things to consider to ensure your kids are fully prepared for the first day of school with healthy, protected smiles and optimal oral health.