Emergency Dental Care: Tooth Pain Questions!

If you find that you’re suddenly in severe pain and it’s tooth pain that’s affecting you, it can be confusing to figure out how to react. The best solution when serious discomfort occurs is to let us know right away. It is not going to prove that you’re brave and strong if you try to wait it out. Instead, it can leave you with serious oral health damage! We remind you that contacting us for emergency dental care is a wonderful first step. (Good news: We can continue to help you through any remaining necessary steps, as well). When a brutal toothache hits, the only thing you need to remember is to contact us ASAP!


Dental Bridge: The 3 Things You Should Remember

If you’re new to figuring out teeth replacement solutions, then you’re just becoming introduced to dental bridges and other prosthetics that can solve your concern. When it’s time to become more familiar with whether the bridge will cover your requirements, provide you with the improvement you seek, and more, it’s best to get started with the absolute essential details. They will quickly let you know whether a bridge is in the running (or not) for your smile!


Make A Macaroon

What happens when you think about macaroons? Do you start to salivate just a bit? Does a huge smile spread across your face? If so, why not try your hand at learning to bake these little delicacies, so you can have them even more often? The upcoming Make A Macaroon event will give you the know-how you need!


2 Lies You Tell Yourself About Fillings

There are some lies you may be telling yourself about dental fillings. Of course, you’re not doing this intentionally. You may be trying to rationalize reasons it’s okay for you to just avoid coming in for care to address tooth decay (even though you really do need treatment). You may have heard rumors. Or, you may just feel a little upset that you have a cavity. Remember, though, that if you begin taking excellent care of your teeth, you may avoid cavities in the future! For now, let’s run through a couple little lies you may have begun to believe, so you can instead feel positive about scheduling time for your much needed filling.


3 Times To Clean Your Hands

There are some obvious times that you should clean your hands. Perhaps you’ve just prepped a meal and you’ve touched beef or poultry. Time to wash your hands! Maybe you’ve just used the restroom. Again, time to wash your hands! However, what about other instances when cleaning your hands will help protect your oral health? If this is not something you have already considered, then it just might be time to do so!


Dry Mouth: 2 Signs It’s Time To See Us

There are varying levels of dealing with dry mouth. You may experience it temporarily as the result of taking a course of medicine or due to congestion. Once you’re through with the meds and your congestion is gone, you may stop mouth breathing and your mouth will return to its usual self. However, you may find yourself on the other end of the spectrum, realizing that your oral tissues are dry and no matter what you do, they seem to be staying that way! Consider a couple times it might be best to simply come in to see us.


Tips: When You’re Awaiting Your Visit For…

Have you scheduled a dental care visit with us? When you’re coming in for a particular issue, whether it’s discomfort, discoloration, or otherwise, we generally advise you to take it easy. We know you may feel like you should be doing something proactive but, to the contrary, it’s usually best to take a hands off approach! Learn more about what we mean.


Free Tax Help

Maybe you have always done your own taxes but this year, you have some questions. Perhaps you have never done them yourself, so you are not sure where to begin. If you need help, never fear: The Free Tax Help event is here!
