If you’re not the one traveling this holiday season, then you don’t exactly need our tips for what to put on your travel list in regard to your oral health care. However, if you are receiving guests as you are the one hosting, then you just might want to write another list entirely. While you may assume those that are showing up to your home will be prepared, remember that the holidays can become a rushed and frantic time that leads to some forgetfulness and missed details. Make sure everyone in your household enjoys optimal smile protection with our Grand Prairie, TX team’s easy-to-follow tips to make for a cozy time.
When You Need Restorative Care: Think About This!
When you need restorative care, you may be the type of person to pick up the phone immediately, set up a dental visit, find out what’s wrong, schedule the treatment, and then you’re all better! However, if you happen to be like many of the patients we meet with at our Grand Prairie, TX practice, things go a bit more like this: You know something is probably wrong with your oral health but you wait a while because you feel worried. Then, you finally come in! However, instead of scheduling your treatment right away, you simply try to forget about it or you keep saying you’ll do it tomorrow. We understand. However, we would really like for you to consider some things to think about that might make following through with restorations feel so much easier!
It’s Time For Prairie Lights 2018!
There’s something truly amazing about the beauty of sparkling lights, especially when they’re strung so strategically (by the millions) in exceptional shapes and designs. When you’re looking for something that’s sure to leave you and your family wide-eyed and awe-inspired as you celebrate the holidays, Prairie Lights 2018 is sure to do just that.
“O” Words: Schedule A Visit If You Say These During Hygiene
There are some things that you shouldn’t be saying when you’re brushing and flossing your smile. Not because they’re “bad” words but because if they’re coming out of your mouth during dental hygiene, then it probably means you need a dental checkup! To make things easy, let our Grand Prairie, TX team begin by offering up some words that begin with the letter “O” as a means of helping you realize: When you need some help from our team, no matter how simple or serious, we are always happy to see you! So, don’t hesitate to call.
Your Child’s Smile: 3 Oral Health Protectors
You could probably collaborate with us in coming up with a list a mile long of beneficial things you could do to protect your smile as well as the oral health of your child. However, life is busy, the days often seem shorter and shorter, and what you really need is a streamlined approach to keeping teeth and gums safe! What’s the best way, you wonder, to protect the health of your children’s smile? Fortunately, our Grand Prairie, TX team is full of helpful facts, information, and tidbits that will ensure you’re doing just what you need to do to keep your son or daughter’s growing smile on a path toward exceptional health.
Teen Zombie Makeup 101
Is your child planning on being a zombie of some kind this Halloween but isn’t really sure about how to create convincing makeup? Why not take advantage of the upcoming Teen Zombie Makeup 101 event? It will be sure to make your son or daughter’s costume an absolute winner!
3 Simple Yet Compelling Reason To Keep Your Smile Healthy
If you’ve ever pouted and asked yourself, “Why do I even have to brush my teeth, anyway?” our Grand Prairie, TX team has some thoughts for you. We know, sometimes you just don’t feel like it, you don’t feel well, you’re tired, or brushing and flossing (or a preventive visits) isn’t first in line of the list of things you’re excited to do. However, making the time for your smile care is absolutely worth it! Of course, we are well aware that offering up compelling reasons is going to be much more powerful than simply saying, “Oh, it’s great!” So, without further ado, consider some new factors to think about in regard to protecting your oral health.
Why “Natural” Isn’t Always Better
You might think that when you find a natural solution to your smile care woes online or when you hear about them from a friend, they’re probably going to save you time, money, and that they’ll make things easy breezy. Unfortunately, though some natural solutions are wonderful for you, they’re not always better. Remember, it’s all about whether the product you use to clean or treat your smile is safe or unsafe, whether it comes straight from nature or not. So, consider some details that our Grand Prairie, TX team would like you to keep in mind regarding “natural remedies” that aren’t so great.
Gingivitis: Why It Can Be So Confusing!
Gingivitis is one of those oral health concerns that frequently causes a whole lot of confusion. On its own, it’s not a very complex topic: It’s gum inflammation, the very first phase of gum disease! However, when it comes to identifying it, treating it, and understanding its significance in the greater context of your smile health, well, that’s when things can become tricky. Our Grand Prairie, TX team would love to help make this topic an easier one, so you know what’s what and can better protect your smile.
3 Very Important Rinsing Reminders
You may expect a lot of reminders from our Grand Prairie, TX team. You think we’ll remind you to schedule your preventive care appointments with us, so you can keep your oral health safe. You know for a fact that when you see us for checkups, we will remind you to brush and especially to floss. You even know we will suggest you ask us questions because sometimes patients forget or simply feel too shy. What you may not have seen coming but that is certainly important is our decision to remind you to rinse! “What’s that?” you might ask, “you want me to rinse my smile?” The answer is yes and we have some additional advice heading your way.