I Don’t Eat Sugar Very Often: Why Do I Still Get Cavities?

You may feel a bit disappointed. You might eat very little sugar, if any at all, yet you find that you still develop tooth decay from time to time! What on earth could be going on, you wonder? Aren’t cavities the direct result of eating sugar, you think to yourself? The truth is, the things you’ve heard about eating sweets may be somewhat misleading. First: There’s more to developing decay than just eating a sugary treat. In fact, there’s more to the sugar-and-cavities connection than you might realize. Let our Grand Prairie, TX team break down the details for you, so you’re no longer worried about the breakdown of your dental tissue!


Mistletoe Mayhem: Don’t Find Your Smile Unprepared!

As you have likely been considering, there are so many things happening at the moment and it’s all thanks to the joy and merriment of the holiday! There’s lots of excitement to be had. Then, there’s lot of planning to complete. One thing that you may overlook, even if you have gone to excruciating lengths to prep for parties, meals, and more, is the fact that you may find yourself suddenly standing under an unexpected bit of mistletoe. This can be a funny moment or … it can be terrifying if your smile is not ready! Allow our Grand Prairie, TX team to ensure your oral health and smile appearance do not betray you, should such a moment present itself!


Snow Ho-Ho 2018

We may not have any snow in Grand Prairie, TX but we certainly have an abundance of the Christmas spirit! If your kiddos are getting quite into the holiday season and you’d love to share some fun with them reminiscent of your own childhood days, then the upcoming Snow Ho-Ho may be just the event to attend! It’s all about turning off the screens and enjoying some true holiday fun!


“Bad” Feelings Always Mean: Come See Us!

One of the most common dilemmas we hear about follows: When you aren’t sure if you should come see us or not! When you’re experiencing some “bad” sensations, no matter how you describe them, this is always a warning sign that you should see our team unless you know exactly what is happening (for instance, you bit your tongue, you can see it is okay, and you just have to wait for it to heal). In instances in which you don’t know precisely what the problem is, our Grand Prairie, TX team will always respond with the very same answer. It’s time to come in for a dental visit just to be on the safe side.


Sneaky Little Dangers In Your Holiday Feast!

When you’re all excited about your holiday feast, the parties you’ll go to, and just how much delicious food you’re looking forward to, it can send you reeling! What fun. Unfortunately, when you unexpectedly break a tooth because of a danger you couldn’t see and weren’t expecting, well, this can send you reeling in a not-so-wonderful way. Are there some secrets you should know to help you steer clear of accidental oral health damage, you wonder? Why, of course there are and you can bet that our Grand Prairie, TX team is itching to tell you all about them! Keep the particulars in mind as you enjoy your upcoming meals and snacks!


Things To Replace In The New Year

When we’re talking about your smile and the incoming New Year, we like to bring up topics you may not have thought of before. Sure, you may be thinking that 2019 would be a good time to get more serious about dental hygiene or to consider whitening. Today, though, our Grand Prairie, TX team would like to discuss some things you may need to replace in the new year, so your oral health is right on track for success! Haven’t really looked at your smile in this light just yet? Let’s get started, so you can prepare to take care of any “replacement” needs you may have!


Porcelain Veneers: 3 Reasons You Dismiss Them (But Shouldn’t)

Have you noticed that when you check out our website and poke around online as you think about improving your smile that you completely dismiss porcelain veneers? The second you see them, do you think to yourself, “Nope, not for me” and then carry on? If so, we would like you to take a moment to reflect on the reasons you’re doing this and to realize you may actually want to slow down, take some time, and get to know veneers a bit better. Our Grand Prairie, TX team knows that like for many patients, when you better understand a treatment and the benefits it offers, you may realize it’s not at all what you thought (but exactly what you need)!


See Santa While You Shop At Grand Prairie's Holiday Market

On Saturday, December 1 and Sunday, December 2, families in and around Grand Prairie can see Santa Claus at the Holiday Market! This event, held at Traders Village, will provide families with plenty of great seasonal shopping. You can find gifts, decorative items, and other unique pieces on offer from many different vendors. Of course, you can also take this opportunity to have family photos taken with Santa! Your Grand Prairie, TX dentist’s office wants all of our patients to enjoy plenty of great holiday activities. With that said, we also want you to be mindful of the effect too many Christmas treats can have on your smile. Our practice is ready to help address problems, and we are ready to schedule your next dental exam! (more…)

Brushing: Questions We Want You To Feel Okay Asking Us

We know that you may feel pretty good about asking questions when it comes to complicated topics like tooth decay, restorations, and more. However, we are also well aware that our patients frequently feel sheepish when they need to ask us a question about something that they view as “very basic.” One detail that you really need to know about and that is often the type of thing patients just can’t bear to bring up? Brushing! That’s right, one portion of your daily preventive care at home. We know you may feel sort of embarrassed since you’ve been brushing for many years! However, our Grand Prairie, TX team implores you: Please ask us if you have dental hygiene questions. We would love to answer them!


Oral Health: The Foundation For So Many Things!

You know just from hearing it over and over throughout the course of your life that you should feel like your oral health is important. We tell you protect it because of this! However, if you don’t have the “why” behind this recommendation, you may also find that you are sometimes missing that oh-so-important motivation that you require in order to follow through with home care and professional care, too! Since smile protection happens to be our passion, our Grand Prairie, TX team would love nothing more than to help you better understand what makes smile care so significant!
