There are some suggestions our Grand Prairie, TX team loves to offer our patients in regard to dental hygiene. Today, we would love to specifically talk about some things you might not really consider in relation to dental floss but that you really should. Why, you ask? Well, because when you plan ahead and keep floss with you, you’ll find that you can take even better care of your smile and you can even quickly get yourself out of some otherwise embarrassing and uncomfortable experiences. Find out more!
3 Ways Sleep Apnea Makes Life Harder
Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is more common than some people realize. In fact, many people who have it don’t know, and therefore, don’t know that they should seek help from their dentist to treat it. However, over time, the sleep disorder can have several effects on your daily life and wellbeing that make it obvious something is wrong. Fortunately, patients in Grand Prairie, TX, who have sleep apnea can often a comfortable and convenient solution in the form of a custom-designed sleep appliance. (more…)
3 Helpful Suggestions For Pre-Winter Planning
Yes, we know that winter feels far, far away and the fact that we’ve been seeing autumn decorations and more in stores has already been slightly overwhelming. Of course, there are still some days left of the summer season, so talking about winter, well … it may seem quite premature. True, those colder days seem quite a ways away but when it comes to planning before the maddening rush that comes with November, December, and beyond, our Grand Prairie, TX team thinks you will be oh so relieved to have gotten your dental care sorted out well in advance. Take a moment with us as we explain why!
Agreeing To A Dental Crown: Things You’re Wondering
You know that it’s time to agree to the dental crown we have recommended for you, so your smile is all better. However, you also know that if you keep your curiosity to yourself about particular aspects of this method of fixing your tooth, you’re going to feel quite anxious come procedure day. Don’t let that happen. Remember, we would be more than happy to talk with you about any dental care need that comes your way! To begin, our Grand Prairie, TX team answers questions that we hear oh so often when a crown is in the picture. If you find that you still want to learn a bit more, please take a moment to get in contact with us!
Dental Sensitivity: Things You Should And Should Not Do
There are some things you absolutely should do when you end up with dental sensitivity. Then, of course, there are some things you should certainly not do. While some may seem extremely obvious to you, there may be other actions you end up taking that can actually make matters worse. Since we would greatly prefer for you to feel educated before you make a misstep that causes even greater sensitivity or damage, our Grand Prairie, TX team is ready with those shoulds and should-nots that will help protect your oral health.
Fall Into Vegetable Gardening
What is it about the end of summer that gets your blood pressure on the rise? Is it the fact that it means autumn is headed our way, so the holiday season is beginning its steady approach? No? What’s that you say? It’s trying to tackle fall gardening, as you have wonderful intentions but not quite as much know-how as you’d like? No problem at all! The upcoming Fall Into Vegetable Gardening with Susan Henson event is just around the corner.
Cavities: A Few Facts To Review Occasionally
When you think about cavities, you know that it’s a problem treatable by our Grand Prairie, TX team. You know that they’re some of the main things you’re fighting off when you practice your dental hygiene and when you see us for care. However, that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use a few pointers to review in your mind on occasion, so you feel quite clear about how to look at tooth decay in order to best protect your oral health. Remember, keeping your smile healthy is so easy when you’re informed!
Your Smile Health: What’s That Annoying Sound?
Your smile health is something that may provide you with some clues when things aren’t quite on track. If you’re noticing that you’re actually hearing sounds as symptoms of something that’s changed, our Grand Prairie, TX team reminds you that there’s no reason to become overly alarmed. Symptoms show up in all sorts of ways, whether it’s something you see or feel or, in this case, notice with your ears! Let’s cover some common sounds that may be coming from your mouth, what they might mean, and what you can do about them!
3 Things To Schedule Right This Second!
There are some things you can wait around on in life. Want a haircut? You might not look amazing at the moment but you can make it work until you have time to see your hair stylist! Maybe you were hoping to refinish your kitchen floor but you’re going to wait for a year or two. No major consequences, so you can schedule at your leisure. Now, when it comes to your smile and your oral health, well, putting some urgency into your decision to schedule a dental visit is often of the utmost importance. Let our Grand Prairie, TX team offer some additional insight regarding some things you should probably schedule right now!
Boz Scaggs 2018
What’s your favorite Boz Scaggs track? If you were quick to answer that one, whether it was “Lido Shuffle” or “Lowdown” (or anything else), then you probably have a special spot in your heart for this singer songwriter. We have a hunch you’d also probably be upset if you heard you’d missed him and in our very own Grand Prairie, TX community! So, take a moment to grab tickets for Boz Scaggs 2018 before they’re all gone and you’ll be seeing him at the end of the month!