Is There A Treatment For Snoring?

shutterstock_172959194Are you constantly waking your partner up at night with your loud snoring? If so, you and your partner are probably wondering, “is there a treatment for snoring?” Sometimes, finding a cure for your snoring can be as easy as changing your sleep position or opening your nasal passages. However, sometimes loud persistent snoring can be a sign of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is caused from a blockage in your airway limiting the amount of oxygen your body is receiving, typically resulting in abrupt awakenings in order to catch your breath. (more…)

How Do Dental Implants Work?

shutterstock_100424281If you’re missing teeth, chances are you’ve looked (or are looking) into your restoration options. Ah, the great debate – what would work best for you? A visit to your dentist will get you started with determining how extensive the damage to your mouth is and how you can begin the restoration process. How do dental implants work? These “new teeth” are installed directly into your gums all the way to your bone – which is it’s required that you have a good amount of bone density in order to qualify for this restoration option. (more…)

Is TMJ Dangerous?

shutterstock_139302251Temporomandibular joint disorder occurs when your jaw muscles become irritated or inflamed and cause the joint that connects your jaw bone with your skull to have difficulties moving and adjusting. This joint allows your mouth to yawn, chew, and talk. So, is TMJ dangerous? Besides the uncomfortable pain that it causes, untreated TMJ disorder can suffer increased pain the longer it goes untreated and it can turn into chronic migraines and unbearable tension. It could also cause other issues such as; tooth loss, bone damage, and even malnourishment when you attempt to avoid certain foods in fear of pain – the answer is yes, TMJ is dangerous. (more…)

Sleep Apnea; Is That Why You're Tired?

smithsleepapneaSleep apnea shows in all different forms – from snoring to abrupt awakenings – but, it impedes on your sleep. Is that why you’re tired? Absolutely – actually, one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is consistent sleepiness throughout the day. If this is something you’re experiencing, you may want to visit your dentist as they could help you begin the process to diagnosing your sleep apnea. Don’t lose hope – there are many different treatments to help your sleep disorder, you won’t feel this exhausted forever. (more…)

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Crowns?

smithdentalcrownsIf you have a damaged or decayed tooth, chances are your dentist has recommended that you get crowns put over your tooth (or teeth) to protect them. Dental crowns are also used atop dental implants in order for them to have the shape of a tooth. What are the benefits of dental crowns? There are a multitude of benefits surrounding crowns – cosmetic appeal, resistance to stains, durability, speech restoration, and protection. If you think you could fix or restore your tooth with a dental crown – it’s time to give your dentist a call. (more…)

Enjoy a Healthy Holiday with Preventive Dental Tips

Healthy Smile this Holiday with Preventive CareThanksgiving is a great opportunity to enjoy your favorite foods with your family and friends. Unfortunately, all the feasting can sometimes take a toll on your teeth. Too many sweets, in particular, can wreak havoc on an otherwise healthy smile. Fortunately if you’d like to start the new year with great teeth and gums, there are a few simple steps that can help make it possible. From limiting how much pie you put on your plate to how frequently you floss, caring for your smile is simple with a few preventive dental tips. (more…)

Can Fillings Harm Your Mouth?

smithtoothfillingA tooth filling helps to protect cavities that have formed in your teeth due to bacteria and decay. Fillings help to prevent the bacteria from causing further decay around your mouth. Dentists are able to use several different types of material in order to achieve this – gold, porcelain, composite resin, and amalgam are all materials that can be used. Porcelain or composite resin are both materials that closely resemble the natural color of the tooth. Determining what material is right for you will be a conversation that you have with your dentist. Can fillings harm your mouth? (more…)

Sparkle and Shine with Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry for a Bright SmileWant to do more than deck the halls this holiday season? Want to make it so that your smile shines as bright as the prettiest lights or the largest star? If so, cosmetic dentistry can certainly help. By helping to hide imperfections and improve the overall appearance of your smile, a cosmetic dentist can help enhance your smile’s existing natural beauty, leaving you feeling more confident, even dazzling, in the process. If a prettier smile is all that’s on your Christmas wish list, forget writing to Santa, and instead give your cosmetic dentist a call. (more…)

What Is Preventive Dentistry?

smithpreventivedentistryIn short, preventive dentistry is caring for your teeth in order to keep them healthy. This is why your dentist recommends you get biannual cleanings and checkups to make sure your gums and teeth are at their healthiest throughout the year. Preventive dentistry is avoiding decay, tooth loss, gum disease, enamel wear, cavities – the list could go on forever! By practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist, you are preventing your overall health from being compromised by bacteria. What is preventive dentistry? (more…)

Do You Suffer From Tooth Sensitivity?

When the smithsensitivityenamel on your teeth is worn down, your teeth can be sensitive to extreme temperatures and to eating or drinking. This happens because the enamel protects these tiny tubes that go through the dentin (the layer beneath the enamel). The exposure of these tubes to cold air, extreme temperatures, or even your touch, causes nerve irritation which is where your pain is coming from. If you have receding gums, you may be experiencing sensitivity from the tops of your teeth because the gums are no longer there to protect them. Do you suffer from tooth sensitivity? (more…)