Smile-Related Pain Is Saying These Things To You! 

The arrival of smile pain is never something that causes you to suddenly think, “Wow! I must be doing everything right!” However, our Grand Prairie, TX team is also very familiar with the fact that though you may realize this uncomfortable feeling is trying to tell you something, you may do your best to ignore it, attempt to downplay the seriousness, or choose some other response that doesn’t guide you toward seeking essential solutions. So, what do we suggest you ask? Well, why not let that discomfort speak for itself?…


End Of Year Brushing Goals? We Can Help!

Do you have brushing goals? When did they begin? Whether you came up with them at the start of 2019 or if you are just now realizing that as the year winds down, it’s time to get serious, our Grand Prairie, TX team can always help you with matters associated with your smile care! First, of course, it’s important to recognize that beyond the basics in terms of how often you brush, the technique you use, and how long you’re brushing each time you do so, there’s more behind a job well done! There’s the motivation, the products you’re using, and more! Ready for an information-packed rundown? Let’s go!


Stop These Habits To Stop Serious Smile Consequences

There are some habits you might partake in that may not seem like a bad idea on the surface but that may actually guide you toward some serious damage or danger to your oral health! However, if you are looking at them as “neutral” actions, you are not very likely to sort this one out on your own. That’s where our Grand Prairie, TX team comes in! We’ve got our finger on the pulse of dental care confusion (we have daily conversations with lots of dental patients, after all), which means we can often provide you with information you didn’t even know you needed! Let’s get started with some common habits to avoid!


Holiday Hazards: Keep Your TMJs Well Protected!

Holiday hazards! They’re not necessarily two h-words that you want to put together because when you think about the holidays, all that really fills your mind is happiness! This, of course, is one of the reasons our Grand Prairie, TX team feels so strongly about offering you some helpful reminders for your TMJ health! Whether you’re dealing with TMJ disorder or not, this time of year can place a lot of extra stress and strain on your jaw joints (and often because this very merry time of year can sweep patients off of their feet, as they overlook possible concerns they may have noticed during other less festive times). Take some suggestions into consideration!


Insurance, Checkups, And More: Time For A 2019 Check-In!

You know based on the calendar that this current year, 2019 to be specific, is going to end soon. However, you may not feel like that is the case! As a result, you know on a logical level that it’s probably about time to start getting end-of-the-year dental care plans going but that sense of urgency is simply absent. What to do, you wonder? Well, to avoid suddenly feeling frantic, we encourage you to gain motivation from all of that logic we mentioned, as you simply consider important details, follow through on them, and then take care of essential tasks one by one with our Grand Prairie, TX team. It’s much easier than it sounds (and will help promote a holiday season during which you don’t have to worry about your smile).


Is Your Dental Care Right On The Line (Between Good And Bad)?

You know that there’s good dental care, there’s a complete lack of it, and then there’s something in between. There’s that fine line between good and bad, in which you’re sort of caring for your oral health. It’s not good enough to be considered stellar, though you are doing something and it’s not lax enough to be considered non-existent. Are you certain about whether your care is following this not-so-committed approach? Find out if this is the case and, if it’s the wake up call you needed, then snap into action and make the improvements you need! Our Grand Prairie, TX team is here to help!


Guiding Smile Health Questions: Am I Doing What It Takes?

You know that you’re trying, when it comes to your oral health. You have a pretty good idea about the details that are involved in removing plaque, protecting teeth and gums, and reaching a smile that’s safe, healthy, and lovely! However, you may still wonder: Am I doing what it takes? Or, are you somewhere in between not-wonderful-care and stellar smile care? To help you feel sure about what you’re doing (or how you need to improve your current take on smile protection), our Grand Prairie, TX team offers guidance by asking essential questions that will tell you what you need to know.


Look Out For Things Making Bruxism Even Worse!  

On its own, bruxism disorder is something that will continue to affect you without your input! However, it’s very important that you are aware of the following fact: You can most certainly make it worse. Even if you’re doing exactly what we suggest, which is to receive bruxism treatment from our Grand Prairie, TX team, we remind you that there’s more to addressing chronic grinding and clenching than your mouthguard. Fantastic new, though! Making changes to support your oral health in this case will be quite easy!


Why Your Smile Seems To Shift Its Shade 

Your smile looks amazingly lovely one second and you have no complaints! You would certainly describe it as a pleasing shade of white. The next, however? You’re not singing your smile’s praises. Instead, you’re shocked to find that it looks nothing like the vibrant feature you thought for sure you’d just been admiring. What’s going on? While this can certainly feel frazzling, our Grand Prairie, TX team can help you sort through the mystery, so you quickly see that it’s either a bit of an illusion (or that it’s about time you came in to see us for your next visit or for cosmetic care!).


Spooky Smile Sensations: Is It Halloween’s Fault?

You may think that the second Halloween starts to head our way (which, in terms of candy, pastries, and other indulgences is always far in advance of the actual day itself) that it’s the holiday that is causing sudden issues for your oral health. Our Grand Prairie, TX team understands why you might think this! One day you’re fine, the next you’re biting into a candy bar and something doesn’t feel right. So, is it the fault of this cozy season? Or is it a coincidence? Or something else? Let’s break down what’s really going on!
