Category: Preventive Dentistry

When Your Sense Of Taste Goes Haywire!

Your sense of taste is something you rely on, just like your other senses. This one happens to be very obvious to you because you get used to the way certain foods taste. You even crave certain things. So, when you dig into your favorite dish, dessert, or even your daily breakfast cereal and it… Read more »

3 Things You Want To Avoid (And How To Do So)

Are you worried about any particular oral health issue? A potential problem with your smile? Are you primarily concerned with damage or your dental care and how to avoid running into problems? If so, our Grand Prairie, TX team is thrilled that you’re so concerned with prevention, as it’s certainly the way to go! Regarding… Read more »

Tooth Pain: 2 Times You’re Accidentally Causing It

Sometimes, tooth pain will affect you and you will notice you’re not really sure where the problem is coming from. Other times, tooth discomfort will appear and you’ll have a fairly good idea regarding why it’s started (and how to make it stop). In either case, it’s entirely possible that you are the major contributing… Read more »

Dental Floss: Stuff You Don’t Think About (But Should!)

There are some suggestions our Grand Prairie, TX team loves to offer our patients in regard to dental hygiene. Today, we would love to specifically talk about some things you might not really consider in relation to dental floss but that you really should. Why, you ask? Well, because when you plan ahead and keep… Read more »

3 Helpful Suggestions For Pre-Winter Planning

Yes, we know that winter feels far, far away and the fact that we’ve been seeing autumn decorations and more in stores has already been slightly overwhelming. Of course, there are still some days left of the summer season, so talking about winter, well … it may seem quite premature. True, those colder days seem… Read more »

Dental Sensitivity: Things You Should And Should Not Do

There are some things you absolutely should do when you end up with dental sensitivity. Then, of course, there are some things you should certainly not do. While some may seem extremely obvious to you, there may be other actions you end up taking that can actually make matters worse. Since we would greatly prefer… Read more »

Cavities: A Few Facts To Review Occasionally

When you think about cavities, you know that it’s a problem treatable by our Grand Prairie, TX team. You know that they’re some of the main things you’re fighting off when you practice your dental hygiene and when you see us for care. However, that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use a few pointers to review… Read more »

Your Smile Health: What’s That Annoying Sound?

Your smile health is something that may provide you with some clues when things aren’t quite on track. If you’re noticing that you’re actually hearing sounds as symptoms of something that’s changed, our Grand Prairie, TX team reminds you that there’s no reason to become overly alarmed. Symptoms show up in all sorts of ways,… Read more »

3 Things To Schedule Right This Second!

There are some things you can wait around on in life. Want a haircut? You might not look amazing at the moment but you can make it work until you have time to see your hair stylist! Maybe you were hoping to refinish your kitchen floor but you’re going to wait for a year or… Read more »

School Is Almost Here: Let’s Talk Basics!

When you think about back to school stuff, we know that you might be doing your best every morning to pull the blankets over your head and hide out for as long as you possibly can. At some point, however, it’s going to be time to face the music, which will include shopping, planning, prepping,… Read more »