Root Canal Treatment: 3 Ways To Figure Out That You Need One

When your tooth is infected or has become significantly damaged, it becomes more likely that you may need to receive a root canal treatment. To recap, in case you don’t remember much about this restorative treatment, this restorative service includes the removal of damaged/infected pulp, the complete sealing of your tooth, and often a dental crown placement. The result? You get to keep your tooth, any infection goes away, and you can get back to life with a healthy smile. However, we find that patients often come to our Grand Prairie, TX practice wondering: How will you know that you need one? We can make this much simpler to understand.


Toothpaste: Your “Does It Really Make A Difference?” Questions

When you stand in front of the sink for your routine dental hygiene experience, you pick up your tube of toothpaste, and you go to work with keeping your smile healthy, you may find yourself asking a series of questions that typically begin with something along the lines of, “Does it really make a difference if…?” Of course, our Grand Prairie, TX team understands that you hear lots of stuff about smile care and that it can be difficult separating the true from the false. Since your brushing and flossing are the foundation of your ability to maintain a very healthy grin, consider some initial questions and answers and then find out even more when we see you next!


Fluoride: Answering Lots Of Questions Stressing You Out

When you see our Grand Prairie, TX team for dental checkups and cleanings, one of the lessons you will learn is that fluoride in your toothpaste is good for your oral health and the smiles of your family. However, when you go home and head back out into the world, you may hear things that seem to contradict this. The result? You feel confused and uncertain about following through with the use of fluoridated toothpaste for your dental hygiene, with fluoride treatments for your kiddos, and more. What to do? Ask questions, of course (and ask them of our team for factual answers).


Dental Care: Do Amazing Things For Your Smile In 2019!

When what you want for yourself is a smile that’s healthy, that looks amazing, and that remains both beautiful and in good condition, you ask yourself: How to proceed? For many, it seems like there’s too big of a mountain to scale in order to make this possible. For others, getting started is the hurdle. From whatever starting point you find yourself in, we remind you that you are currently looking at an entirely brand new year full of opportunity! All you need now is to consider our Grand Prairie, TX team’s thoughts on making the most of your dental care.


Workforce Solutions Resume Help

Are you about to enter the workforce? Have you been away from work for a while now? Perhaps you are employed but you are looking to make a change. Whatever the case, if you have recently realized that you could really use some help figuring things out in addition to making your resume much more impressive, then we have just the Grand Prairie, TX event suggestion for you: The upcoming Workforce Solutions Resume Help event might do the trick.


Why More People than You Know Have Dental Implants

When it comes to restoring or rebuilding your smile, the best treatment options are those that aren’t obvious. The goal of smile restoration is to restore your smile’s natural health, beauty, and function. If your treatment is obvious, then it has largely failed in that mission. With dental implants, which are lifelike prosthetic roots designed to support a custom-designed dental prosthesis, optimal realism is one of their greatest benefits. For patients at our Grand Prairie, TX, dental office who have lost one or more teeth, receiving one or more dental implants helps ensure that their new smiles are as healthy, beautiful, and functional as their natural ones. (more…)

Curious About Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are some of the most well-known types of teeth, but unfortunately, it’s often because of the trouble and discomfort that they cause. That’s because many people who develop them also experience wisdom tooth impaction, which means they become stuck within the jawbone or behind another molar and cannot fully erupt from the gum line. If you’re curious about your wisdom teeth, then visit our Grand Prairie, TX, dental office and find out if extracting them is the best course of action. (more…)

Fish Creek Adopt-a-Stream Cleanup

If you are feeling the itch to get outside and contribute some volunteer effort to benefit Grand Prairie, you might want to participate in the Adopt-A-Stream clean up, announced on the City of Grand Prairie Volunteers page. This will be a land-based clean up, so you don’t need special wet gear or a boat or floatation device. Clean up crews will convene at Fish Creek Linear Park, which has a parking lot, pavilion, picnic tables and walking trails. Just like a great Grand Prairie dental team makes smile-care possible, a team clean up effort will help keep our city beautiful. (more…)

3 Reassuring Facts If You Need A Cavity Treatment

No one wants to hear about the dental work they need to restore an unhealthy tooth – after all, everyone’s goal should be to maintain a problem-free smile. If you are informed that you need treatment for a cavity, or if you suspect something may be wrong, a degree of concern is natural. With that said, you can be reassured in the knowledge that modern restorative dental care can be more pleasant than you realize. In addition to taking your comfort seriously, your Grand Prairie, TX dentist can offer restorations that imitate your tooth structure, and maintain your appearance.  (more…)

Get Your Wishes In Order For 2019!

When you write out your wish list for the winter holidays, you probably don’t usually put “dental fillings” or any other type of dental care on it. It doesn’t mean you don’t really want smile-related treatments for your smile but in most cases, a nice new sweater, brand new luxury vehicle, and other dreams fill your mind. Fortunately, there’s another sort of wish list that tends to crop up as the year ends: Your wishes for the brand new year ahead! Whether you want to think of them as resolutions or just goals for a very happy 2019, our Grand Prairie, TX team suggests coming up with a list solely dedicated to making your smile even better. Let’s help you get started with some very good, dentist-approved ideas.
