Bruxism is a condition where you grind or clench your teeth whether you’re awake or asleep. However, if you do have sleep Bruxism, you’re more likely to have sleep apnea – a sleeping disorder where your sleep is interrupted from pauses in your breathing. If you are experiencing frequent pain in your jaw, it could be possible that you are suffering from Bruxism. Bruxism is not limited to age – it can occur in children and adults, but it may present itself differently in each patient. What is bruxism? (more…)
How Root Canal Therapy Can Save Your Tooth
Root canal therapy is a treatment that targets the soft nerve tissue inside of each tooth. That soft tissue (also called “pulp tissue”) can be affected by a number of issues, like advanced cavities, a chipped or cracked tooth, or even damage to a tooth that leaves no visible issues. Root canal therapy can be an involved procedure, and may require multiple visits. But in cases where damage to your tooth has extended down to the pulp, root canal therapy can be necessary to save you from losing a tooth. (more…)
Plaque, Tartar, Bacteria, and Dental Cleanings
Your teeth begin to accumulate a sticky film of plaque immediately after you brush and floss them. The more time passes, the thicker the film becomes until you can see and feel the plaque on your teeth. If you don’t clean them again soon, then plaque can quickly calcify (harden) into tartar, and it will remain there until your hygienist removes it during your next dental cleaning. The bacteria that are found in plaque and tartar are the building blocks of issues like cavities and gingivitis, therefore keeping them under control with regular dental cleanings is vital to keeping your smile healthy. (more…)
A Brief Introduction to Dental Sedation
Dental sedation isn’t always a routine part of dental treatment, but for patients who experience dental fear and anxiety, it can help them receive the general dental care that they need. For others, dental sedation can help them stay relaxed for longer periods of time in the dentist’s chair, making extensive or complex treatment more manageable. Depending on your level of fear (if any) and the extent of your procedure, we offer a choice of dental sedation methods with varying degrees of potency. (more…)
3 Diet Tweaks for a Healthier Smile
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that a person’s diet can have a big impact on their oral health. After all, there was a big reason your mother used to warn you that eating too much candy would rot your teeth. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world where convenience and prepackaged foods have taken the place of home-cooked meals and snacks, many of us are getting too much sugar in our diets. This sugar overload, accompanied by a greater reliance on bottled water, is creating a cavity crisis in the U.S. Try making these minor tweaks to your diet and enjoy a healthier cavity-free smile. (more…)
What to Look for in a Family Dentist
Family dentistry isn’t a dental specialty, like orthodontics or endodontics. Instead, family dentistry is a kind of practice philosophy, ones that’s inclusive of patients of all ages (thus, the entire family!). Having a family dentist as your primary dentist is particularly convenient because it means that you, your children, and even your parents will receive the type of focused dental care they need. Before choosing a family dentist, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following aspects of their office or practice, so you can decide whether they’re the right choice for your family. (more…)
Questions About Obstructive Sleep Apnea
If you or your partner snores excessively, then your peace and quiet might not be the only thing affected. Snoring can restrict the flow of air to your brain and body, and in some cases, it’s an indication of a more serious sleep disorder, known as obstructive sleep apnea. Like snoring, the disorder involves oral and throat tissues obstructing the airway, meaning you have to work harder for a limited supply of air while you sleep. (more…)
Top 3 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease
If you have persistent bad breath that won’t go away even when you chew on breath mints or rinse with mouthwash or if you’ve noticed that your gums bleed or your spit looks pink when you brush your teeth, you may be one of the millions of Americans living with gingivitis or gum disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of adults in the U.S. have gum disease and although many factors contribute you’re your risk for this serious oral health problem, you have it within your power to prevent it. Follow these three proven tips for preventing gum disease. (more…)
Do You Have Questions About Sedation?
Do you feel anxious about seeing the dentist? If you have a fear of seeing the dentist then you are not be receiving the care you need to keep your smile healthy and attractive. Fortunately, we can help you enter a calm and relaxed state with sedation dentistry. Do you have questions about sedation dentistry?
Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, refers to the constant grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. A widespread disorder that affects both children and adults, this issue can lead to damaged teeth and a number of other oral health concerns. Why do we grind our teeth? What can we do to stop?