Category: General Dentistry

Should You Get An Electric Toothbrush?

In order to avoid dental infections like tooth decay and gum disease, you must practice preventive dentistry; excellent oral hygiene, visiting your dentist, and maintaining a healthy diet. Your oral hygiene depends on how (and how often) you brush and floss your teeth at home every day. While you may be used to using a… Read more »

Do You Want To Quit Grinding Your Teeth?

While grinding or clenching your teeth (bruxism) can become a habit during the day, in most cases it occurs when you’re asleep. For this reason, those who suffer from the condition are typically unaware of its happening. If you sleep with someone, they may hear you grinding throughout the night – but, more often, bruxism… Read more »

A Healthy Smile Could Mean a Healthier Heart!

Since February is American Heart Month, we’d like to take a moment to discuss an aspect of your cardiovascular health that you may not be aware of—its relationship to the state of your oral health. Although you may not naturally think that they are connected, the mechanisms that result in gum disease are similar to… Read more »

3 FAQ's About Sleep Apnea

Is your partner complaining about your loud snoring every night? Do you find yourself constantly waking up and persistently tired throughout the day? If so, these may be symptoms pointing to a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. While it can be difficult to diagnose because majority of the symptoms occur while you’re asleep, your… Read more »

Do You Have A Sore Jaw?

There are a couple different conditions that may leave you with a tired feeling jaw – bruxism and TMJ disorder. Bruxism is a condition in which you clench your jaw and grind your teeth. Grinding your teeth can damage your tooth enamel and, in extremely severe cases, can even chip or break your teeth. Often… Read more »

How Do You Treat Gum Disease?

The onset of gum disease can take time, gradually worsening the longer it’s left untreated. However, if you’re able to catch it in the early stages (like gingivitis, for example) it’s usually easier to treat. This isn’t always possible, but once you’ve noticed something isn’t right with your mouth, you should visit your dentist. How… Read more »

Is TMJ Dangerous?

Temporomandibular joint disorder occurs when your jaw muscles become irritated or inflamed and cause the joint that connects your jaw bone with your skull to have difficulties moving and adjusting. This joint allows your mouth to yawn, chew, and talk. So, is TMJ dangerous? Besides the uncomfortable pain that it causes, untreated TMJ disorder can… Read more »

Can Fillings Harm Your Mouth?

A tooth filling helps to protect cavities that have formed in your teeth due to bacteria and decay. Fillings help to prevent the bacteria from causing further decay around your mouth. Dentists are able to use several different types of material in order to achieve this – gold, porcelain, composite resin, and amalgam are all… Read more »

Do You Suffer From Tooth Sensitivity?

When the enamel on your teeth is worn down, your teeth can be sensitive to extreme temperatures and to eating or drinking. This happens because the enamel protects these tiny tubes that go through the dentin (the layer beneath the enamel). The exposure of these tubes to cold air, extreme temperatures, or even your touch,… Read more »

How Can You Treat Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which you often awake because your airway is blocked. Sometimes treating sleep apnea is a simple answer – a lifestyle change. However, other times it can involve sleeping with certain devices in order to maintain your oxygen. Sleep apnea can be difficult to diagnose because sometimes symptoms can… Read more »