Category: General Dentistry

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition where you grind or clench your teeth whether you’re awake or asleep. However, if you do have sleep Bruxism, you’re more likely to have sleep apnea – a sleeping disorder where your sleep is interrupted from pauses in your breathing. If you are experiencing frequent pain in your jaw, it could… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Dental Sedation

Dental sedation isn’t always a routine part of dental treatment, but for patients who experience dental fear and anxiety, it can help them receive the general dental care that they need. For others, dental sedation can help them stay relaxed for longer periods of time in the dentist’s chair, making extensive or complex treatment more… Read more »

Questions About Obstructive Sleep Apnea

If you or your partner snores excessively, then your peace and quiet might not be the only thing affected. Snoring can restrict the flow of air to your brain and body, and in some cases, it’s an indication of a more serious sleep disorder, known as obstructive sleep apnea. Like snoring, the disorder involves oral… Read more »

Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, refers to the constant grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. A widespread disorder that affects both children and adults, this issue can lead to damaged teeth and a number of other oral health concerns. Why do we grind our teeth? What can we do to stop?

Are You Suffering From Xerostomia?

Are you suffering from xerostomia? You are if you have a chronic dry mouth. Xerostomia is the medical word for just that: dry mouth. Dry mouth often affects people as they age and can increase the risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Saliva may just seem like spit to you, but it… Read more »

Aging Teeth: Part 1

Have you noticed that as you get older you’re having more problems with your teeth? Maybe they are becoming sensitive, looking darker, chipping or cracking, or just aching. Your teeth do change as you age. Just think of it. The rest of your body changes why shouldn’t your teeth? After all, they chew, crunch, bite,… Read more »

Can You Still Get Gold Fillings?

There was a time when gold fillings were common. Then silver amalgam popped up. Then white composite fillings were developed. White composite fillings are the treatment of choice for anterior (front) teeth, because the composite material blends with the original dentition. Gold and silver are noticeable and not aesthetically pleasing if you should flash your… Read more »

How Your Diet Affects Your Dental Health

Most people realize that sugar is bad for your teeth. They know sugar causes decay but they probably don’t know exactly how. It is actually the bacteria in your mouth that feed on the sugar. As the bacteria metabolize sugars and starches that remain on your teeth after eating and drinking, they not only produce… Read more »

Routine General Dentistry Can Save Your Smile

Restoring damaged and diseased teeth is one of the most common reasons for visiting the dentist, along with improving a smile’s appearance through customized cosmetic dentistry. Modern technology has provided the tools to rebuild most smiles with lifelike results, although you would probably prefer not to undergo extensive treatment if you can avoid it. Grand… Read more »

How Dental Implants Prevent Loose Dentures

If you’ve lost all of your teeth on one or both dental ridges, then chances are that you now rely on a complete denture to restore your mouth’s ability to function (as well as your smile’s pleasing appearance). Made from an entire row of lifelike replacement teeth situated on a comfortable plastic base, dentures have… Read more »