How We Stop Discomfort With A Crown

grand prairie dental crown

When you have cracked or chipped a tooth, or if one aches due to the presence of a cavity or infection, then you may need a full dental restoration. With a full crown, we can offer repair with durable and lifelike materials. In today’s blog, your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist talks about our custom crowns.

When You Need a Dental Restoration

When should you see our team about a dental restoration? This covers the visible portion of a tooth, all of the structure above the gum line. This means we can address a host of serious oral health concerns. For example, one can be used to repair decay too advanced for a filling, or to take on cracks, chips, and breakage in a tooth. We’ve placed them to lengthen worn down teeth. They can address infections by completing a root canal procedure. Placement also helps improve bite balance and chewing function. If you have minor tooth loss, we could use them to secure a dental bridge in place or to restore a single tooth dental implant.

The Options We Provide

When possible, we want to offer a lifelike appearance so you feel confident in your smile. For example, the most front-facing teeth will likely prescribe an all-porcelain option, as the material is translucent like tooth enamel and we can shade it to blend with the smile. The side and rear teeth must endure greater bite forces, and so we will opt for more durable material like porcelain-fused-to-metal or zirconia, which can absorb bite forces and also be color matched to blend with your smile. Our team will choose which option is right for you based on a detailed examination of your smile!

Creating and Placing Crowns

We take a custom approach to your crowns to ensure a lifelike appearance and treatment with precision. To get started, our team will numb the tooth being treated so that you remain comfortable as we remove structure from it, making room for the new crown. Next, we will take detailed digital images and measurements of the tooth, which we will use in a lab setting to design and craft the restoration. When you return for a second visit, we can check the fit and if needed, make final adjustments, We then attach your new dental restoration with a powerful bonding agent. With proper care and attention, including daily brushing and flossing and visits for checkups and cleanings, your new restoration could last for years to come.

If you have any questions about how we design and craft your custom crown, or how placing one could help improve the health, function, and beauty of your smile, then contact our team.

Schedule a Visit to Learn More About Restorative Dentistry

Our team wants to help you enjoy a strong and beautiful restoration in as little as two visits! For more information on our custom dental repair, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith and our team by calling Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, today at (972) 262-5111.