Chip, Crack, Break…Bond

crDid you know that minor imperfections in your teeth can be fixed using dental bonding? It is a non-invasive, easy, and relatively inexpensive procedure. One or two teeth can be bonded in a one-hour visit. If several teeth are being bonded they may be split into two or more visits. Dental bonding can be used to treat a variety of dental issues. If you have pits, chips, cracks, or breaks ask your dentist about dental bonding.

True or False?

1.    True or False: There is no drilling required with dental bonding.
2.    True or False: Amalgam filling material is used for bonding.
3.    True or False: Bonding does not require sedation.
4.    True or False: Bonding is only successful when it is used to fill pitted teeth.
5.    True or False: Cosmetic bonding is prone to chipping and cracking.


1.    True: Bonding is a minimally invasive procedure that requires no drilling or removal of your natural tooth structure.
2.    False: Dental bonding is done with composite resin material that is putty-like in consistency and can be shaped and molded to create tooth structure. It also matches the color of natural teeth.
3.    True: Cosmetic bonding is a painless procedure that does not require numbing, anesthesia, or any other type of sedation.
4.    False:  Cosmetic bonding can be used for a variety of issues including stained teeth, to change the shape or lengthen teeth, to fill gaps between teeth, to fill pitted teeth, and to repair broken, chipped, or cracked teeth.
5.    False: Cosmetic bonding is a very reliable treatment that can last from three to ten years.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.