The Kind Of Dental Treatment People Wish For

10 years ago

Dental bonding is one dental treatment that you do not have to fear. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure…

Can Intrinsic Tooth Stains Be Removed?

10 years ago

Did you know that there are different kinds of tooth stains? There are intrinsic stains and extrinsic stains. Intrinsic means…

The Fluoride Question

10 years ago

Although it has been proven that fluoride is an effective way to fight cavities, there has always been a question…

Teeth Built Tough With Dental Sealants

10 years ago

Are your children’s teeth built tough? Teeth are tough, but they aren’t indestructible. They can develop cavities, get broken, cracked,…

Does Your Child Fear The Dentist?

10 years ago

According to research, parents who fear the dentist will pass that fear on to their children. They may not even…

Some Facts About Bruxism

10 years ago

Bruxism is a Greek word that means the habit of grinding your teeth unconsciously. People often brux at night while…

Stop Snoring! Please!

10 years ago

Snoring is common. Over 60 percent of the adult population snores. However, snoring can put stress on a relationship. In…

Are Your TMJs Stressed Out?

10 years ago

Temporomandibular joint is a very big word for your jaw joint. Your jaw joint connects your lower jaw (your mandible)…

A Sleep Apnea Q and A

10 years ago

Did you know that many of today’s modern dentists can treat sleep disorders, particularly snoring and sleep apnea?  Millions of…

You Are Getting Sleepy…

10 years ago

When it’s time for a dental visit, especially for a filling, root canal, extraction, or implant, you want to be…