How Do You Brighten Your Teeth?

9 years ago

Do you wish your smile were brighter? Over time, everything from the foods and drinks we consume to our daily…

How Do You Know You Have Gum Disease?

9 years ago

Periodontitis, or gum disease, is an infection caused by plaque or tartar (bacteria) that is left untreated on your teeth.…

How Do You Properly Floss Your Teeth?

9 years ago

Often times, patients overlook flossing their teeth. However, it’s critical that you floss at least once per day – unless…

How Can You Qualify For Dental Implants?

9 years ago

If you’ve recently lost teeth, you may be looking at your different restoration options for getting your smile back. Dental…

Do You Have A Sore Jaw?

9 years ago

There are a couple different conditions that may leave you with a tired feeling jaw – bruxism and TMJ disorder.…

Are You Starting The New Year With A New Diet?

9 years ago

What you put into your body goes through your mouth first, so it makes sense that your diet can greatly…

How Do You Treat Gum Disease?

9 years ago

The onset of gum disease can take time, gradually worsening the longer it’s left untreated. However, if you’re able to…

How Often Should You Brush Your Teeth?

9 years ago

Brushing your teeth is a critical part of your oral hygiene routine in order to keep your mouth healthy. Although,…

Do You Have Bad Breath?

9 years ago

Although most people wake up with bad smelling breath, it should go away after you brush your teeth and eat…

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

9 years ago

Dental emergencies should be dealt with as soon as possible – whether it’s by your dentist or another dentist who…