As mentioned before, the main goal of tooth bonding is to improve the cosmetic appearance of a tooth and, therefore, your entire smile’s appearance. To achieve this goal, the procedure consists of bonding tooth-colored composite resin to a small area of your tooth’s structure, then sculpting it and hardening it to match your tooth’s healthy, natural appearance. The resin is precisely customized to mimic your tooth’s color and appearance, making it a highly effective cosmetic option for a wide range of tooth issues.
Its cosmetic aspect is one of the most attractive aspects of tooth-colored resin, but bonding a tooth can do much more than just make it look better. For example, its biocompatible nature means the resin can be bonded to your tooth with minimal preparation, and it can bond tightly and securely to your tooth structure. For issues such as chipped or cracked teeth, this means the resin can effectively restore the tooth by repairing its damage and fortifying the healthy structure. As a restorative treatment, bonding can offer more minimally invasive treatment than other options, such as dental crown.
Because bonding can be completed with minimal tooth preparation, the procedure doesn’t require any significant alterations to your tooth structure. This means you can retain a maximum amount of your healthy, natural tooth structure and avoid affecting its overall structural integrity. Minimally invasive treatment helps improve the state of your long-term oral health and reduce your risks of experiencing further complications with your teeth. In cases of tooth decay, the resin can also be used as a minimally invasive, non-metallic filling to restore the infected part of your tooth (known as the cavity).
Cosmetic tooth bonding is meant to be minimally invasive, but can have a major impact on several aspects of your smile and oral health. To learn more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith and our team by calling Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, today at (972) 262-5111.
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