Aging Teeth: Part 1

9 years ago

Have you noticed that as you get older you’re having more problems with your teeth? Maybe they are becoming sensitive,…

A Sugar Society

9 years ago

Researchers have recently explored documents from the food industry that date back to the 1960s. It was apparently around then…

Can You Still Get Gold Fillings?

9 years ago

There was a time when gold fillings were common. Then silver amalgam popped up. Then white composite fillings were developed.…

Traditional X-Rays VS Digital

9 years ago

There are different types of x-rays including medical x-rays, dental x-rays, and even x-rays taken at the airport, and not…

It’s A New School Year And Time For A Cleaning

9 years ago

Parents are always super busy getting ready for the new school year, and that time is now. However, it is…

How Fluoride Strengthens Tooth Enamel

9 years ago

There are proponents of fluoride and opponents of fluoride and, of course, reasons for both. Opponents of fluoride cite the…

How Your Diet Affects Your Dental Health

9 years ago

Most people realize that sugar is bad for your teeth. They know sugar causes decay but they probably don’t know…

Even Babies Can Have Bad Breath

9 years ago

But they usually don’t. There are reasons babies develop bad breath, but because they don’t have teeth bad breath is…

Green Meadows Petting Farm

9 years ago

Looking to get the kids away from the TV, their Game Boys, and PlayStations? What kid doesn’t like animals? Especially…

Why Flossing Is So Important

9 years ago

While brushing your teeth seems rather easy and painless, most people hate flossing. Why? Is it because it is messy?…