“Bad” Feelings Always Mean: Come See Us!

One of the most common dilemmas we hear about follows: When you aren’t sure if you should come see us or not! When you’re experiencing some “bad” sensations, no matter how you describe them, this is always a warning sign that you should see our team unless you know exactly what is happening (for instance, you bit your tongue, you can see it is okay, and you just have to wait for it to heal). In instances in which you don’t know precisely what the problem is, our Grand Prairie, TX team will always respond with the very same answer. It’s time to come in for a dental visit just to be on the safe side.

“Bad” Feelings That Are Bearable

You may assume that since you’re experiencing some less-than-lovely sensations but you can seem to tolerate it okay for the time being, you can just wait for your regularly scheduled dental checkup. We understand why you would consider this a good idea. However, it’s not your best! The right choice is to schedule a dental visit with us right away. Why? Well, because even tolerable discomfort can mean some problems are affecting your oral health that are best treated now, not later. Come on in!

“Bad” Feelings That Are Unbearable

This is a very easy one. When you are dealing with sensations that are bad and they aren’t going away or easy to tolerate (instead, you can hardly stand them), call us. Do not try to convince yourself that it’s better to try to find medication that will work or that you need to just be braver. You require our help and we offer the gentle, compassionate dental care that will help you feel good again.

“Bad” Feelings That Are Mostly Weird

Dealing with some feeling that you describe as “bad” but primarily because they are strange? Even if you don’t deal with pain but you recognize that you aren’t strictly experiencing beneficial sensations, then a dental visit should be in your future. Come on in, so if there is a concern, we can treat it now (not later).

Come In When Your Smile Feels Bad For Help

Don’t stay home and try to hide from negative sensations. Instead, schedule a dental visit with our team as soon as you can. Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.

Dr. Smith

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