You have to brush and floss to keep your oral health safe by removing plaque that can build up, harden into tartar, and cause lots of hygiene-related problems for your smile. When you remove the plaque and keep it from hardening, it’s much harder for decay, gum disease, and more to happen.
Our team knows that some of you wonder why on earth you have to brush your tongue. It seems like it must be pretty clean on its own right? Not exactly. At a much closer glance, you’ll see that taste buds and tiny grooves mean the surface area of your tongue is greater than you think! There are lots and lots of places for bacteria to hide, get trapped, and cling. You want them (and any type of debris) removed, so you don’t end up with more bacteria in your mouth than you want, which can very quickly cause you to end up with a case of bad breath. Remember, cleaning your teeth, gums, and your tongue is important for good oral health!
It’s important that you remember sodas are all acidic. We know that you might have always thought the main problem with drinking them was the fact that they were loaded with sugar or that they are carbonated. However, it’s not just the sugar that’s potentially affecting your smile health nor is it the bubbles. Instead, your oral health is negatively impacted by acid no matter what, so skip this beverage when at all possible.
Don’t assume we aren’t open to hearing your questions, whether they’re simple or complicated. We’ll always be happy to extend needed dental education. Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.
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