It’s entirely possible that you don’t like making flossing part of your dental hygiene experience because you don’t like your floss. However, if you have always used the same floss, you might not realize that making a change can actually help in a significant way. Here’s what you might think about switching up to improve your experience:
For some, the sensation of dental floss between teeth is just too strange or uncomfortable. When this occurs, we often suggest a patient try out a water flosser. Rather than rely on a strand of material for removing plaque and debris, you will be relying on a steady and powerful stream of water. It’s easy to use, powerful, yet gentle enough to feel comfortable. Have questions about this dental hygiene option? Let us know!
Every Friday, we like to make a change to our usual dental topics, and instead…
When you have a cavity, this could be a source of discomfort and even increase…
Do you have issues with the color of your teeth, or possibly the shape of…
Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just about your teeth. In fact, we can recontour your gum line…
Each Friday is a chance to take a little break from our usually dental topics…
What if you have more than just a cavity or an issue with teeth stains?…