Categories: Dental implants

How Dental Implants Preserve Your Smile

When you have missing teeth, you need a tooth replacement that not only looks good, but safeguards your smile against negative changes to your jaw and facial structure. With dental implants, we can secure new teeth that help keep your smile intact and could potentially last for decades to come! In today’s blog, your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist looks at the benefits of dental implants.

The Causes and Impacts of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can occur in our teen and adult years for a number of reasons. For example, an injury to the face to the jaw could lead to missing teeth, as could an untreated cavity or dental infection. In some cases, a tooth may need to be extracted due to severe disease or decay, protecting the smile from the spread of infection. The most common factor is periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease, which can lead to missing teeth. When these gaps occur, this could cause embarrassment and even impact how you eat and speak. But the body will also suspend the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jaw, and without these nutrients, the bone tissue loses mass and density. This results in further tooth loss and an aged appearance. But with dental implants, we can preserve the stability of your jaw and your facial structure!

Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants don’t rely on crowns or suction to stay in place. Instead, we surgically insert the posts into the jaw. These are made from titanium, a biocompatible material, which allows the posts to bond with the jaw like actual roots. The flow of calcium and phosphorus resumes, and your jaw stays strong and you avoid further tooth loss and a prematurely aged appearance. Once the posts are inserted and the placement area heals, we can move forward with the attachment of a crown, which completes the visible portion of a new tooth. The crown will be custom-made to look natural and provide a durable chewing surface. If you have multiple missing teeth, then several posts could be used to secure a bridge or even a complete set of dentures!

Benefits for Your Smile

Since the presence of these implant posts stimulates jawbone growth, your new teeth can stay in place for decades to come, possibly a lifetime. In comparison, traditional bridges and removable dentures may need replacement in as little as five years. When you support prosthetics with these posts, you have new teeth that never slip when you eat or speak, and that don’t require removal for cleaning or soaking either. You have new teeth that will look and function like natural ones!

If you have any questions about how we treat tooth loss, then contact our team today.

Schedule Your Dental Implant Appointment Today

Our team wants to help you smile with confidence and avoid the negative impacts of tooth loss. For more information on how we replace missing teeth, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith and our team by calling Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, today at (972) 262-5111.


Dr. Smith

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