Let’s begin by discussing nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Nitrous is also referred to as laughing gas. It transports you to a place of feeling euphoric and calm, which is extremely powerful for those with dental anxiety or those who dislike needles (it is administered in gaseous form that you breathe in). It’s gentle but it offers a significant calming effect. One step beyond laughing gas is dental sedation known as oral sedation. You will take a Valium, which is an anti-anxiety medication that helps you feel extremely calm. When it’s anxiety you’re concerned about, either of these solutions offers the deep sense of tranquility you desire.
This isn’t exactly the type of dental sedation you receive for a routine dental filling, so try to keep in mind that IV sedation is really only necessary in specific, not-too-common instances. We may suggest it for extreme anxiety or for a complex procedure. Have questions about what you can expect, how you will feel, and more? Just ask.
Remember that your dental care you receive with us will be relaxing, thanks to our compassionate approach and dental sedation! Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.
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