Categories: Dental Sedation

Oral Sedation: Frequent Questions (And Answers)

When you discover that dental care truly can become more relaxing thanks to dental sedation, it’s a moment that can certainly put a smile on your face. However, when you find that you have a lot of options, you may feel both energized and a little bit uncertain about exactly how to proceed. Which one is the right one for you? What if you select one but should have chosen the other? Fortunately, no matter what you decide, you will have a truly tranquil experience. As for learning more about what we offer, if you’re feeling curious about oral sedation, we are happy to get you started with our FAQs session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What makes oral sedation a unique option when compared with other dental sedation solutions?

Answer: Keep the name of this sedation option in mind as you compare them to one another. In this case, the main difference includes: The fact that it’s “orally” administered, which means you will take the sedative by mouth. It’s simply a pill.

Question: So, does that mean that I’ll be receiving just one dose of the sedative? This seems different from nitrous oxide and IV sedation.

Answer: You are correct! With the other forms, we can customize the amount you receive (and continue providing it) throughout your procedure. With oral sedation, the amount of sedative you take is the full dosage for your visit.

Question: Why would someone want this option over others?

Answer: There are many reasons, which may include: You dislike needles, so you don’t want IV sedation. You want something one step stronger than laughing gas, so the next stop is oral sedation. Whatever the reason, we encourage you to talk with us!

Find Out If Oral Sedation Is Right For You

Come in for a consultation to discuss whether oral sedation or another form of dental sedation is best suited to helping you feel relaxed as you receive dental care. Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.

Dr. Smith

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