Quiz: Environmentally Friendly Oral Health

What you want is an environmentally friendly oral health approach. What you’re worried you’re going to get is a lot of obstacles to keeping your smile clean and safe, while adhering to your dedication to sustainability. Fortunately, you do not have to pick one or the other. Consider the help of a quick quiz to learn more about how you can choose to protect both your feelings about green living and your ability to keep teeth and gums healthy.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: It’s very difficult to find natural dental hygiene products that work. If you avoid synthetic ingredients and materials, you’re going to have a hard time protecting your oral health.
  2. True or False: No matter what you do, you’re going to end up wasting a serious amount of water by brushing your teeth.
  3. True or False: You’re not going to find any products that are good for the environment with the ADA Seal of Acceptance on them.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. You will be pleased to learn that whether you’re seeking sustainable toothpaste, dental floss, or toothbrushes, the products are out there. Just remember to keep using fluoride (which is also natural and necessary for optimal dental hygiene and oral health).
  2. False. It’s very easy to avoid wasting water during your brushing sessions. Just remember to turn the faucet to “on” only when necessary (to get your brush wet, to rinse the brush and the sink, and to rinse your mouth). Turn it off between uses.
  3. False. Fortunately, you will find that there are many natural-based products that carry the ADA seal!

Protect Your Smile With Natural Care

If you’re looking for a natural way to care for your teeth and gums, come talk with us about your many options! Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.

Dr. Smith

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