When you have complex oral health concerns, such as tooth loss or wisdom teeth soon to erupt, then we could offer care with oral surgery to provide lifelike solutions. With oral surgery, we can improve the health, beauty, and function of your smile. In today’s blog, your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist talks about oral surgery and how we improve even complicated oral health concerns!
To begin, we will plan the procedure in detail. The process starts with an examination, in which we take detailed digital x-ray and intraoral camera images of your smile, so we can assess the cause and severity of the oral health issues that are impacting your smile. Every smile is unique and requires a personalized approach to ensure optimal results.
Our team also wants to ensure your procedure is a comfortable experience, which is why in addition to a local anesthetic to numb the area being treated, we can offer IV sedation. To see if this is right for you, we will take factors into account like age, weight, medical history, and any medications you are currently taking. The sedation is then administered before the procedure begins intravenously. You enter a very deep state of calm and relaxation, a sleep-like state with little to no memory of the procedure at all. This is helpful for those undergoing extensive treatments, and for those with dental anxiety or special needs that could otherwise complicate your ability to receive treatment. Since the effects take time to wear off completely, be sure you have a friend or family member on hand to take you home.
We could extract a tooth that is too damaged or infected to be treated with a restoration, so the spread of infection is halted. We could also remove teeth to pave the way for dentures or to make room for orthodontics treatment. If you have wisdom teeth soon to erupt, we could extract them beforehand this occurs to prevent impaction, misalignment, infection, and dental damage. The process could take as little as a half hour in some cases, and we can provide detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate a fast healing period.
If you have missing teeth, we can place dental implants to fill the gaps and also prevent the breakdown in the jaw that is related to tooth loss. Dental implants act as new roots, so they bond with the jaw and can stay in place for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime. For an individual one, we can complete it with a custom dental crown. If you have multiple missing teeth, then dental implants can fix a bridge or denture in place. If you have any questions, contact our team today to learn more.
Our team wants to offer treatment to handle major issues, such as wisdom tooth eruption and tooth loss! For more information on oral surgery, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith and our team by calling Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, today at (972) 262-5111.
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