When you’re choosing foods to eat, don’t reach for anything that requires so much force that you think you might break a tooth. If you do, you might actually break a tooth, your dental implant’s restoration, and you may even place your implant at risk of problems when you ask too much of it.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of your dental hygiene. When you’re caring for dental implants, just like when you’re caring for natural teeth, the brushing you complete twice a day and the flossing you complete once a day will provide your smile with exceptional protection. Keeping plaque and tartar away helps you protect your oral health, so problems do not develop.
You can keep the majority of plaque off of your smile with your care at home but not all of it. Cleanings remove the stuff you can’t reach and checkups ensure we note and treat changes long before they damage your smile.
Notice a change surrounding your dental implant? Call us ASAP to schedule a quick checkup!
Learn more about how to maintain your dental implants, so you may enjoy a complete smile for the rest of your life. Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.
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