Categories: Preventive Dentistry

3 Things To Keep In Your Desk Drawer

Do you work in an office away from your home? If so, you might wonder if there’s something you should be doing throughout the day to protect your oral health. Or, you may be struggling because you really want a fresher, cleaner smile but you don’t know how to make this easier than heading to the bathroom for a full-on brushing and flossing session! Don’t worry. We offer a few things to keep in your desk drawer for when your usual dental hygiene isn’t an option.

#1: Chewing Gum (Sugarless Only)

Think about what happens when you chew sugarless gum. It increases the flow of saliva in your mouth, it sticks to your teeth and then pulls away anything adhering to them, and it freshens your breath. Chew it for about 20 minutes for full effect.

#2: A Bottle Of Water

A bottle of water helps immensely when dental hygiene isn’t an option. This is because of the following:

  • It physically pushes food and bacteria off of your smile as you drink, swish, and swallow
  • It’s neutral (not acidic), so it can help neutralize the pH of your mouth, protecting against erosion instead of contributing to it
  • It keeps your mouth moist, so bacteria don’t multiply excessively

#3: Single-Use Mini Brushes

When you just want to feel like you’ve brushed but you cannot make it to the restroom for dental hygiene, you may wish to keep some single-use mini brushes in your desk drawer. These come in many forms. Generally speaking, they are very small, include bristles and some type of cleanser that you can activate with your saliva instead of water. Run it over your smile for cleaner teeth and improved breath.

Keep Your Smile Healthy 24/7

Find out how to address your dental health needs any time of day by talking with us regarding your dental hygiene needs. Set up an appointment in Grand Prairie, TX by contacting your dentist at Pecan Tree Dental to schedule a visit at (972) 262-5111.

Dr. Smith

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