Categories: Patient Education

Some Facts About Bruxism

Bruxism is a Greek word that means the habit of grinding your teeth unconsciously. People often brux at night while they are sleeping, but you may also brux while you are awake. You still may not be aware of it because it often happens while you are concentrating, stressed, upset, or angry. Although you may not be aware you are bruxing, you may be getting symptoms from it just the same. Today we share some facts about bruxism.  

Bruxism Facts

Chronic bruxing can cause severe damage to your teeth and jaw. About 10 percent of bruxers grind and/or clench so often and so powerfully that they experience damage to their teeth such as broken or chipped teeth, fractured dental fillings, excessive tooth wear, and sensitivity of the teeth and gums.

  • Chronic bruxing can also cause temporomandibular joint disorders by putting undue stress and strain on your jaw joints.
  • Several symptoms including headaches upon waking, neck aches, migraines, stiff jaw, jaw pain, sore facial muscles, toothaches, ringing in your ears, or pain in the ears may indicate that you have a bruxing habit.
  • If your teeth are worn down for no apparent reason, you may be a grinder. Bruxing can make your teeth shorter, or cause a reverse smile line which can cause an aged look.
  • While grinding and clenching is usually a result of anxiety, worry, or stress, other issues such as malocclusion, a severe brain injury, or taking antidepressants can cause bruxing.
  • If bruxing has damaged your teeth, you may require restorative procedures. Otherwise, conservative treatments for bruxing include relaxation strategies, jaw stretches, bite splints, or oral night guards which help protect your teeth and reduce symptoms.


Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, restorative, and family dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you and your family are new or returning patients, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

Dr. Smith

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