Kids and Cavities

10 years ago

As a parent, you worry about how well your kids take care of their teeth. You spent the better part…

How You Care for Your Toothbrush Matters

10 years ago

For many of us, it’s tough enough dedicating adequate time in our busy days to properly brushing and flossing our…

Is There a Better Way to Floss?

10 years ago

It should be ingrained into your dental hygiene routine so well that flossing is as natural as brushing your teeth.…

A Teeth-Whitening Test of Wits

11 years ago

Whether one or two of your teeth are stained, or all of your teeth have just sort of lost their…

Important Questions About Gum Disease

11 years ago

It affects over 75% of adults in the United States, and if not treated, it can lead to the permanent…

Understanding Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis

11 years ago

Fluoride is a negatively charged ion of the element fluorine. It’s naturally found in water, food, and soil, and is…

Children’s Dentistry, Hygiene, and Care

11 years ago

As placeholders for the permanent teeth that have yet to come in, young children’s teeth need as much care as…

Why It’s Harder for Athletes to Prevent Cavities

11 years ago

Endurance athletes put their bodies through a lot in order to get in proper shape and condition for marathons, triathlons,…

Can a Cavity Strike the Same Tooth Twice?

11 years ago

If a tooth can’t regrow the structure that it loses to a cavity, does that mean that cavities can’t affect…

Answers to Questions About TMJ Disorder

11 years ago

TMJ disorder (a dysfunction with your jaw’s joints) is one of the most evasive dental issues, despite the sometimes-debilitating nature…