Category: Uncategorized

Important Reasons to Visit the Dentist

Keeping a routine schedule of dental checkups and cleanings is important, as most patients realize, but the reasons why may be more than most people suspect. Maintaining clean and healthy teeth and gums requires regular care from your dentist, and holding off dental diseases has a serious impact on your overall wellbeing. Among the most… Read more »

A Teeth-Whitening Test of Wits

Whether one or two of your teeth are stained, or all of your teeth have just sort of lost their shiny hue, teeth-whitening might be heavy on your mind if you’re unhappy because of tooth discoloration. Despite the ease and convenience of the procedure, however, there are several things you should know about teeth-whitening before… Read more »

Can a Cavity Strike the Same Tooth Twice?

If a tooth can’t regrow the structure that it loses to a cavity, does that mean that cavities can’t affect the same tooth twice? Unfortunately, they can. Cavities are a result of tooth decay, a bacterial infection; even if the tooth is treated, it’s still susceptible to infection that could destroy what remains of the… Read more »

Tooth Decay Explained: Preventive Dentistry Practices

Your teeth are like the gatekeepers to the rest of your body. As you eat, drink, or inhale, various foods, liquids, particles, and chemicals your mouth acts as the gateway to your body. Teeth remain an important piece of the oral health puzzle, and they require special treatment just like any A-list celebrity you see… Read more »

Win Wisdom With This Fluoride Quiz

Among the various conditions that one can experience in their mouth, tooth decay remains one of the most prevalent. Alongside gum disease, tooth decay is preventable with at-home dental care, in-office checkups and cleanings, and an awareness of diet. If you didn’t already know, the development of dental caries (cavities) in your teeth is a… Read more »

Steady Your Nerves With Sedation Dentistry

It’s normal to feel uneasy about certain things in life. You’re not alone. Anxiety and fear are internal mechanisms that derive from self-preservation. However, anxiousness and fearfulness can harm you in more ways than one. If you’re apprehensive towards visiting the dentist due to irrational fear, rumors, or childhood memories, Dr. Smith at Pecan Tree… Read more »

Halitosis: Five Common Bad Breath Causes

There are very few things worse than morning breath. The stench that emanates from your mouth upon waking could scare off the dog, the children, or even your significant other. However, bad breath (halitosis) isn’t as severe as it seems, but it can affect your life in a negative way if not treated or addressed… Read more »

A Dental Crown Quiz From Dr. Smith

Did you know that summer is nearly here? June 21 at 10:51 UCT marks the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Do you have a damaged, decayed, or discolored tooth you would like restored? Dr. Smith and our team at Pecan Tree Dental offer teeth restorations to enhance or correct your smile. Why… Read more »

Let Your Lifestyle Lead Your Teeth Whitening Endeavor

Many of us indulge in coffee, wine, tea, or other dark beverages. We also enjoy darker pigmented foods, too. Although the beverages and foods may satisfy your taste buds and hunger, they can have adverse effects on your tooth enamel. Stains and color imperfections can result from the routine consumption of specific foods, beverages, or… Read more »

Do You Have Bleeding Gums?

When you hear about oral health, more than likely you think about tooth cavities. While this can be an important factor pertaining to teeth health, your gums are also very important. Your gums not only play an important role in just your oral health, but in your overall well-being as well. In most cases, swollen… Read more »