Crowns Offer Full Tooth Restoration

grand prairie dental crownWhen you have a serious injury to a tooth or if one develops decay too severe for a filling, then you may need a dental crown. Our team can offer a full tooth restoration with one, using durable and lifelike materials to create them. In today’s blog, your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist talks about our custom crowns.

The Benefits of Placing Custom Crowns

A dental crown, also known as a full restoration, can cap a tooth and offer treatment for a variety of cosmetic and restorative concerns. For example, placement could help repair cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. We could add length to teeth worn down by bruxism (teeth grinding) and even address cavities too severe for a filling. They can reshape teeth to improve bite balance and chewing function, and placement could even aid in tooth replacement by supporting a ridge or restoring s single tooth dental implant. Our team can use them to make major improvements for the health, function, and beauty of your smile, all in as little as two visits.

The Use of Lifelike Materials

When possible, we opt for lifelike materials that can blend with your smile. For example, for the side and rear teeth, which tend to receive greater bite forces and pressures, we may opt for porcelain-fused-to-metal or zirconia, which are durable and can be shaded to blend with the rest of the smile. For the front facing teeth, we could use all-porcelain, which is translucent like tooth enamel and can be color matched to blend with the rest of the teeth, so you feel confident when you smile. These materials are also biocompatible and bond with the teeth.

Placing Dental Restorations

How do we place them? To begin, our team will numb the tooth being treated so we can comfortably remove structure to make room for your new restoration. Our team then takes detailed digital images and measurements of the tooth from multiple angles, and uses them to plan and design the custom crowns. In a lab setting, we will fabricate your new restoration and when you return to the office, we will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, we attach them with a powerful bonding agent. With proper care and attention, your new restoration can stay in place and restore the smile for years to come.

If you have any questions about how we repair smiles with a custom dental crown, or if you have an aching or damaged tooth that needs attention right away, then contact our edam today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence again and enjoy results that blend with your smile while lasting for years to come!

Do You Have Any Questions About Restorative Dentistry?

The team at Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, wants to help restore your smile and offer stronger teeth, so you can enjoy optimal oral health, improved bite function, and a lifelike appearance too. To schedule an appointment with our team, call us today at 972-262-5111.