How We Improve Care With Dental Technology

grand prairie dental technology

We offer a comprehensive array of treatment options to help you and your family obtain strong and healthy smiles, and to ensure care with precision and comfort, we use advanced technology. From the first appointment to creating custom restorations, your Grand Prairie, TX, dentist can improve your smile with dental technology.

Diagnosing Smiles With Digital Systems

When you see us for treatment, or for a dental exam, we want to take a close look at your smile with advanced digital technology, which enables us to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, and to even catch oral health concerns in the earliest stages, before you experience discomfort in some cases. With digital x-rays, we have a system that uses 90% less radiation and doesn’t require you to deal with uncomfortable bitewings. High-definition images of everything beneath your gums are instantly transmitted to a chairside monitor, so we can walk you through the diagnostic process. With intraoral cameras, we can take a very close look at the surfaces of your teeth and gums for signs of issues like cavities, gingivitis, and even oral cancer. For detailed and panoramic images of your smile as a whole, we can conduct CT scans, so we can plan treatments in detail, such as tooth extractions and dental implant placement.

Creating 3D Impressions

In the past, obtaining an impression of your bite meant you had to bite down on a metal mold filled with gooey materials, hold that bite for several minutes, and then repeat the process in some cases. But we have a digital alternative! When we need an impression of your bite to design and fabricate custom restoration and prosthetics, we will use a tiny camera at the end of a thin wand to take images from multiple angles quickly and comfortably. We then combine them to create a 3D image of your smile, one that is incredibly detailed. We then use this to design and craft crowns, bridges, dentures, and more, often in one visit!

Laser Dentistry

Our team also employs soft tissue dental lasers, which can comfortably conduct gum contouring or treat periodontal disease by removing diseased portions of your gums. Lasers offer care with precision and accuracy, and often require little to no anesthesia. They also limit the risk of bleeding, infection, and swelling, and you can usually return to your normal routine in as little as 24 hours!

Schedule a Visit to Learn More About Dental Technology

We’re ready to help you enjoy a positive experience and treatment with precision! For more information on the technology we use as part of our treatment, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith and our team by calling Pecan Tree Dental in Grand Prairie, TX, today at (972) 262-5111.